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My dear cousin Yoo Kihyun shook his head in disbelief, crossing his arms over one another. "I can't believe that you're willing to dislocate your shoulder so that you can get out of your apartment but guess what, you are still stuck in the bed laying down until you get better. It is not a solution at all, you are just prolonging the duration that you are forced to stay on the bed."

"But at least there is a change of scenery, I am so sick of staring at the ceiling in my bedroom and the hospital ceiling looks kind of cool right now." I sighed. "I never knew that the hospital can be this lovely to stay in."

"But you only dislocated your shoulder, you will get discharged by the end of the day once they have brought down your temperature and made sure that your shoulder is not going to cause any more problems for you." He sat down on the chair, facing me. "Seriously, you could have done other things to land into the hospital but you chose to dislocate your shoulder, that is the most foolish way of getting out of the house."

"Can you stop insulting me for one moment? I am trying to enjoy the time that I have here before I get back home, I wouldn't mind if I injured my shoulder, as long as I don't get to stay in bed all day, I don't mind getting injured and besides I did got injured for a long time once and I enjoyed it despite not being able to walk properly for quite a while."

I smiled as I lay back down on the bed, I finally got back my freedom after such a long time of being confined in my own apartment because I got sick and people were scared that they might get the flu from me and now I am out of my apartment, I feel so relieved being in a new environment other than the empty and boring walls that I have been facing for the past few days. If I had the choice to get sick, I will never want to get sick for the rest of my life.

"You are very weird as a person and I can't understand you at all, I can't believe that I have a cousin like you." Yoo Kihyun shook his head once again and got up from my seat, reaching for his wallet and phone. "I am leaving you alone for a while so that you can enjoy your freedom and I will get something for you to eat, what would you like to have for a snack?"

"Tteokbokki with extra chilli sauce and get me a cup of canned coffee, and would you mind going back home to get my laptop so that I can watch some movies?" I face-palmed myself as I forgot that I am not staying here for a night, I sighed deeply and looked towards my cousin. "Forget about the laptop, get the food for me. I should've gotten a broken leg instead so that I can stay here for a few more days."

"You won't be that unlucky to get a broken leg and a dislocated shoulder, I will be back very soon." And he left the room, leaving me alone in the room but I am still contented, I have a few hours before I would get back home and face that miserable ceiling of my bedroom once again.

I laid down on the hospital bed and I immediately thought of Lee Wonho, he came with us to the hospital and he was there when Yoo Kihyun carried me out of the house and he was the one who called for the taxi to transport us to the hospital. I thought that he didn't want anything to do with me anymore, why is he being so nice to me again? Maybe he is just way too kind and felt like he needed to help me in some way when he found out that I was injured in some way, it could be that way but I can't be too sure about that. Lee Wonho is not the same Lee Wonho as back then, he is a totally different person now.

I sat up on the bed and I looked out of the window, the scenery has never looked so beautiful until you have been hospitalized and you are very happy about it. There are a lot of things to see and you can focus on people who are doing things a little uniquely from the other humans walking down the street, it is a thing that you do when you get bored.

My eyes focused on the people who are walking into an alley and they are doing something shady but it is not my problem, I am not even involved in it and it is getting really interesting. But one person stood out from the rest and he made me remember everything that he had done to me. Son Hyunwoo, that son of a bitch...

Just seeing him makes my blood boil and I clenched my fists tightly, staring at that guy with hatred. I can't believe that nobody knows that he is capable of doing such a horrible thing to someone else, him being the school president is the best cover that he can get to cover up all of his ugly traps.

I continued to observe him as his men cornered some guy in a white shirt and he was going to the guy, I know that guy very well, Lee Wonho was wearing a white T-shirt earlier and he styled his hair that way as well. There is no mistaking it, it is Lee Wonho alright and he is being betrayed by Son Hyunwoo who is also better known as his stepbrother in a few month's time.

"I'm back with your tteokbokki and your canned coffee, it is slightly chilled but I know that it tastes the best." Yoo Kihyun opens the door and I looked at him for a moment and I looked back at the window, they were all gone and nowhere to be seen. Where did Son Hyunwoo even bring him to?

Befriending the Gangster // S.W.H (#21)Where stories live. Discover now