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"Wonho, it is great hanging out with you. I never knew that having a younger brother would be this much fun and it is so much better than being alone and doing things on your own, I didn't realize that my life was that boring until you came into my life by chance and you are going to be my brother in a few week's time." I glanced over at the person who is at the wheel controlling where the car is going, we are done with our little shopping trip and Son Hyunwoo offered to give me a lift home even though I told him that I can make my way home on my own without any help but he insisted that I take his car and I have a lot of shopping bags in my hands which might cause a hazard on public transport.

I thought that I will be on my own because I have spent the entire day with Son Hyunwoo and we went everywhere that he wanted to go, he should be tired of me but he isn't, he is still that enthusiastic to see me which seems kind of suspicious now.

Why is he trying to spend so much time on me for? Real brothers don't even spend that much time with each other, they may share the same room but they don't do everything together. So why is Son Hyunwoo so eager to spend all of his time to be with me today? What exactly is his intention of doing that?

"Thank you for inviting me to go shopping with you and for buying all of those things as well, I will take forever to wear all of them," I told him the honest truth about what he bought me, it is really a bit too much. He is like a teenager who knows like all the latest trends and buys everything that matches the season and he did that for me, I know nothing about fashion at all.

"Don't need to mention it, I am glad that you even agreed to go shopping with me, most guys wouldn't even want to go shopping and you went along with it just to please. You don't have to do all of that just to make me feel good, you can tell me if you don't like anything that I do and I won't force you."

I don't like the way you treat Yoo Yiseul, it is sickening and I don't like it... "There is nothing much that I dislike about but I really have to thank you for the fashion advice that you gave me earlier, I really don't have a clue about colour coordination and what goes with what outfit. Maybe we can hang out sometimes and we do something other than shopping?"

He smiled. "Sure, just call me when you want to hang out. I will be there if I am available but in the case that I am not available, don't ever try to find me or call me. I might be doing something that no one should be knowing and it is a very ugly thing so don't try to call me." His tone changed a little and my fear for him grew a little when he said that, it is terrifying and a total contrast from his kind looks to this. He breaks out into a smile again. "I'm just kidding, I might be just studying and I wouldn't want anyone to disturb me, you could drop me a text and I will reply to it as soon as I am done with studying."

He dropped me off after this last sentence and I made my way inside the building, taking note of what he had just said in my mind. He seems to kind of know that someone is trying to dig out information from him and he is trying to warn him about it, I would have to be extra careful of my words and my actions or me will be killed before the wedding between our parents and I will never get to be his little brother that he had always wanted, not that I know that he is being truthful about the brother part.

It seemed like he really meant it when he wants to have a brother, I could see it in his eyes but that could turn into hatred really quickly once he finds out about it. I would have to make sure that I don't get killed by him anytime soon or else my mission will be a failure.

I got out of the lift and I made my way to the door of my apartment and the door next to it opened, Yoo Kihyun came out of the apartment and he sees me. "Where have you been all day?"

"It is none of your business," I told him, opening the door but he grabs my collar. "Let go of me right now."

"Do you not care about Yoo Yiseul anymore? Are you not friends with her anymore?" He asked. "Why are you treating her like nothing? Do you know that she collapsed earlier today?"

She collapsed? My eyes doubled in size and I had the instinct to rush into the apartment and go to Yoo Yiseul but the other part of me is telling me to turn a blind eye to him and pretend not to be affected by it. "Is that so? I didn't know that she can be so weak, and I don't care if she faints or not."

He swung his fist towards me and I dodged it only to be punched on the other side of the face. "How can you be this heartless? Do you not feel anything for Yoo Yiseul at all? She is suffering so much because of you but you are doing fine and you even went shopping. Is Son Hyunwoo that good? What is his relationship with you anyways?"

I punched him back. "It will not do you anything good even if you know about it, and I would want nothing to do with you or Yoo Yiseul. She is your cousin, care more about her because she is family. I will be out of here in no time and I will be happy to not see your face anymore, and Yoo Yiseul doesn't have to suffer because of me and she deserves it for being a gangster."

I opened the door and slammed the door shut, I immediately collapsed on the floor, not believing what just came out of my mouth. I will not say any of these things to anyone, not even Yoo Yiseul and I feel bad for saying that. But I don't have a choice, I have to save her from Son Hyunwoo no matter what. She will not be safe with Son Hyunwoo around and she will be safe with her family, Yoo Kihyun can take care of her for me. As long as Yoo Yiseul is protected by everyone that loves me, I am contented.

Befriending the Gangster // S.W.H (#21)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ