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"You look different," Lee Minhyuk commented as soon as I arrived at the classroom.

It has only been 3 days since we have met and there is no way that I would look different in just 3 days, what is he even talking about? But I am not really surprised at that, he is usually very weird and he says weird things at times as well. But I still can't get used to him, he is just too weird for a friend, an acquaintance to be exact, we are still not that close to being friends.

"What do you mean, different?" I asked him, taking my seat and he motions for me to come closer to him. He takes a look at Yoo Yiseul who is putting her bag down, she has been really quiet these days that I wonder if she is still the same Yoo Yiseul whom I first met a few weeks ago. "Would you mind leaving us for a while?" He told Yiseul to go away which is very brave of him to do that.

She scoffed. "Of course I would, why would I be here to listen to your nonsense?" She patted me on the shoulder. "Make sure to cover your ears when he speaks, you wouldn't want to lose some brain cells before class. You want that iced coffee right?" I nodded at the confirmation of my morning order, she usually doesn't want to buy me anything but she offered to buy me coffee, she said that it is for the exchange of her staying at my place.

I turned my head back to Lee Minhyuk who is now looking at me. with such a weird gaze in his eyes. "What now? What do you want to imply?"

"Are you sure that I didn't miss out on anything the entire weekend? It feels weird looking at you and Yoo Yiseul, something definitely happened between the two of you." He pointed a finger at me. "I am very sure of it."

Memories of what happened that night suddenly came back to me in a flash and I couldn't keep my composure, it was too much for me to remain calm when I clearly remembered every single thing that I did that night, including that kiss that I shared with Yoo Yiseul.

It was my first kiss, I haven't wanted to kiss anyone before that as well and I don't have anyone that I liked as well except for her but I was too shy for her. "Why is your face so red?" He asked, making me even more remorseful for what I did to Yoo Yiseul.

"It is the weather and I usually get red very easily, I wasn't feeling embarrassed of any sort." I made up a complete lie, a lie that is so fake that only Lee Minhyuk would take it for real.

He nodded slowly and handed me a portable fan that he would always bring along with him. "Then use it to fan yourself, you have to remain healthy so that you wouldn't fall sick so often not like that time where you spent the entire morning in the nurse's office."

I took the fan and he smiled brightly before he runs off to the next friend that he is close with, which includes everyone in this class except for Yoo Yiseul whom he is afraid of.

I swear that Yoo Yiseul is acting really strange about this whole thing, she was the one who initiated the kiss and I only obeyed her because I didn't want to get punched in the face if I didn't do as what she wanted me and she was already having such a day and me refusing to kiss me might make me feel even more dejected and I might very well the cause why she would kill me.

But I don't get why she wanted me to kiss me either, it is not like she has feelings for me and I am definitely not the type of guy that she likes. She likes guys who are fit and athletic, mentally strong and is able to handle her temper and her gangster mannerisms which I have none of those traits that I just mentioned. I am a weakling and I am a softie compared to all the guys in this class, I am not mentally strong either and I have a lot of issues with myself which Yoo Yiseul knows about it.

There is only one reason why she wanted me to kiss her that night, I am the most convenient person that she knows and I only live next door to her. I come from a well-to-do family and I have enough money to provide for myself which she doesn't have, she is already living off me as she stays at my place instead of staying at her own apartment. It is because I dared not go against her that she thinks that I am a pushover to her, she thinks that I will allow her to do anything to me like a puppet.

I called her name as soon as she returns back to her seat. "Yoo Yiseul!"

"What?" She said to me as she placed my cup of iced coffee down for me. "What do you need?"

Even though I said that I hated her, my heart does the weird thing of beating at such an abnormal rate whenever she comes close to me. "Can I have a talk with you?"

"Is it urgent? If it is not, can I have my nap first? There are still 20 minutes before class starts." She plopped her head on the desk.

And I still can't go against her, I am like a little puppy to her who is like a dog owner. "Actually it is nothing important, have your nap. Thanks for the coffee."

She rolled her eyes, slightly annoyed at me but she fell asleep first, lips slightly parted as she sleeps. Why does she look so pretty even when she is sleeping? Most girls would look the least flattering if they sleep with their mouths open like that but Yoo Yiseul still manages to look fine.

I continued to stare at her nap while waiting for class to start, that would be my cue to wake her up to greet the homeroom teacher, after that she can sleep all she wants. Why am I still falling for you when you clearly have no feelings for me? What makes you so special that I want to take care of you, Yoo Yiseul?

Befriending the Gangster // S.W.H (#21)Where stories live. Discover now