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I watched helplessly as I saw Son Hyunwoo's men pouring something on the floor and they filled the entire floor with that substance, it smelt pungent as well and I don't hope that it is whatever I am thinking in my mind right now. Son Hyunwoo wouldn't be that heartless to do that to someone if he is only trying to get rid of me, he could've just killed me off and bury me somewhere and not drag two innocent people down with me.

They finished pouring the kerosene and they left the room, quickly closing the door so we are not able to escape. And we are going to die in here, I shouldn't have even followed Yoo Yiseul to the hospital, I should've just pretended that I didn't know about anything that happened to her and she wouldn't get abducted right now.

I looked towards Yoo Kihyun who is trying to get out of the chair, I don't know why he is trying so hard when it is so clear that we are not going to survive today, there is no use using up all of our energy to save ourselves when we can't do that.

"There is no use, the fire is going to get to us soon and we are not going to live past today," I told him. "Just take a seat somewhere and wait till the fire gets to us, it will be over for us very soon."

"What bullshit are you talking about? Of course, we are getting out of here, we have someone that we have to rescue. We have to get out so that Yoo Yiseul doesn't die in that bastard's hands." He told me, still trying to untie me. "Would you keep still for one moment?"

"Why are you even here? I thought that you aren't my friend anymore and I am nothing to you other than a classmate and a neighbour, why are you here helping me get out of this?"

"I wished that they still kept you gagged so that you are not able to spout nonsense like that, you are still a human and a human that I used to be friends so we are getting out of here. We can't die like this, it is the stupidest way to die. No one waits to die in a burning abandoned building, I am sure that there is a way that we can get out of here."

And he undid all the knots that I have on my body and he walks to the door, only to find out that it was unlocked all along and he could've just got out by himself but he chose to save me as well, that is some friendship thing that I have never seen from him before. I guess that he wanted to say goodbye to me that day but things didn't go his way and I didn't receive the goodbye that I am supposed to receive...

We could smell the strong smell of kerosene outside the room and all around us, they must have purchased a lot of kerosene to be able to douse the entire place with kerosene. I don't see any fire yet and I guess that they haven't left the building yet, they can only set the whole place on fire when they are out of the danger zone.

"Yoo Kihyun, thank you for saving me," I said to him while we were running to search for the exit.

"Don't say that sort of thing when we are in trouble, it sounds like we are in some drama." He yelled at me. "What is more important is that we have to rescue Yiseul from that bastard and get her to safety, she is still sick and she needs to recuperate in the hospital."

I just know that he is feeling embarrassed by my words, he must have not expected that I would say that to him in this lifetime. We took the staircase because it is the safest way to get to the top and we were out in an instant, it is a very tiny building with only 3 levels and one basement level.

I could finally feel the sunlight and I looked behind me to see the building in flames, we were lucky to get out before the flames got to us and we are not dead yet. I was just too pessimistic about my life and valued my life as something insignificant and something that can be forgotten easily. I thought that we will be able to see them but they are nowhere to be seen.

"We are too close, they are gone and we have no idea where to find them." Yoo Kihyun kneels on the ground, helplessly looking back at the burning building.

"I am sure that we are still able to find them, they might not have gone too far," I told him and then I heard the voice of someone getting punched and we ran towards the direction of the sound, it could be the men but we can only depend on luck.

They were somewhere 50 feet away from the burning building and the runaway car is parked in the middle of the car and Yoo Yiseul is knocking one of the guys out with a dislocated shoulder and she is still running a very high fever, I swear that she is a different breed of women.

She kicks one guy out of the way and Son Hyunwoo is there to fight her and I am very sure that she is going to beat the shit out of him, she has been practising all her moves ever since she got discharged from the hospital when she was heavily injured and being KOed by Son Hyunwoo that one time, I told her to never fight against him because he is not her match but she refused to listen and still trains every day in secret.

Yoo Kihyun wanted to help her but I stopped him from doing that, I know that she can do it this time and she beat the shit out of Son Hyunwoo, he fell to the ground and then seconds later, I could hear police sirens and 3 police cars appeared. They captured every single one of them and we watched the cars for out of sight, still not believing what we just saw.

And then I looked at Yoo Yiseul and she was about to collapse, I quickly ran towards her and she collapsed in my arms just when I got to her, she is an amazing woman and I have denied it many times but I have never stopped loving Yoo Yiseul ever since the first time I saw her.

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