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"Miss Yoo, it is time for you to take your meals..." The nurse comes by my bed and brings me my lunch, it is a really simple meal but I can't complain too much about it, I am a patient and I am only supposed to get better and get out of here as soon as possible.

"Thank you." I thanked the nurse who gave a polite nod at me and then walked out of the room, I let out a sigh and then proceed to open the tray of food and the smell of the beef greeted me willingly. "At least it is not some tasteless chicken cubes this time, I can do with bulgogi for once."

The door opened and a familiar face popped out of it and I looked back at my food after seeing his face, I see that he has gotten out of school already and made his way here as soon as possible. "Noona, can you have a little more emotions in you? I swear that it is not how you should react after seeing your younger brother coming here to visit you after he is done with school, you are the first person that came to my mind and you looked as if you didn't care too much about that." He complains about me as he walks closer to me and sits down on the couch.

"Please, I don't have the energy to react the same way every single day and it is not the first time that you are coming here to visit me, it has been a few days since I have been hospitalised and you are here almost every single day. I am bored of seeing your face and I am going to see your face all the time when I get discharged, please find something to do other than coming to visit me." I put my spoon down and looked at him. "And do you have anything good to eat? I am getting a little bored of the food choices that they have here, they serve bland and inedible food that I am starting to crave all the nice food outside of this place."

He stretched his hand out and I slapped it away. "What? You are the one who is requesting for outside food so you have to be the one who gives me the money and because you are my older sister."

"I have been here for almost 3 days, I don't even have any money so why do you think that I would have money to give you?" I asked him and he shrugged his shoulders. "Exactly, so use the money that you have gotten from Aunt YeongAe, not me."

There was another knock and this time, I could smell the food as well. It was Lee Wonho and he came over to visit me and he brought some food without me asking him to. "Hey, am I interrupting something?"

"Yoo SeonHo, you should be learning from the finest to treat me like a patient. Do things without me asking you to, that is the way to make me like you." I said and I gestured Lee Wonho to come closer to me so that I will be able to have my lunch and I am going to force my younger brother to eat the hospital food. "Are you hungry? Eat my leftovers as a punishment." I told him.

I opened the lid of the container and I was greeted by abalone porridge and a good serving of pork belly, it looked like it is homemade and he brought here right after making it so it is still a little hot. I grabbed my chopsticks and took a piece of pork belly and ate it, I have never regretted that I gave up my hospital food for something so illegal like pork belly. "Is it nice? I was about to buy you a Bento instead but seeing you eat like that makes me happy that I didn't buy that bento." He said.

He kept staring at me for a while and my younger brother nudged me and I asked him why he did that to me for. "He is waiting for your compliment, say what you have to say to him so that I can get out of here."

I suddenly feel so flustered now that I am supposed to compliment his cooking verbally, I thought that showing it directly to him was enough for him but I think not. I let out a sigh. "It was delicious..." I mumbled and I continued to eat my lunch without looking in his direction, I feel like I am going to burst out of embarrassment if I did look at him in the eye.

"Then have more of it, I have somewhere I need to go to." I looked up at him when he said that, he is leaving already when he just arrived not too long ago.

"Where are you going, Wonho hyung?" Seonho asked him, I am also wondering where he is going to but I can't ask him that, it doesn't match my personality.

"I have something to go to, more specifically to visit my future family members. My father asked me to go visit his son in prison because he is busy and I had to go because he asked me to." He said with a shrug. "I see you in school soon? Stop getting injured here and there and focus on being a good person, Yoo Yiseul." He said that to me and he walks out of the room as if nothing had just happened and he didn't say something to me that made me extremely flustered.

I choked on my food and I reached for the glass of water that was on the table. "What is with that reaction, Noona? I know that he is your friend but you don't have to react as if he is confessing his love to you and he will not like you because you are so rowdy and not girly at all, Wonho hyung prefers girls who are meek and lovely and you don't match any of that."

I cleared my throat, not pleased with the words that he described me as but it is true and I am rowdy and not girly but that is the person I am. "Who says that I can't be meek and lovely? You don't know your own older sister enough." All I know is that I am Yoo Yiseul and I can be whoever I want to be.

Befriending the Gangster // S.W.H (#21)Where stories live. Discover now