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I looked at the people sitting down at their tables and chatting with each other. Some were just sleeping while some were chatting as if they didn't see each other for ages. Please, it is only 3 days since Friday...

Then I looked towards my left where my seatmate is but he or she is not here. Is the person absent? I then called for the person sitting in front of me hoping to get some answers from him. He turned around, he is quite good-looking but I think that I am more good-looking though.

"Yes, transfer student? What do you have you have to ask?" I looked at his nametag. 

이민혁 (Lee MinHyuk in hangul.)

"I just wanted to ask if anyone is sitting beside me. I'm a bit lonely here sitting at the very back of the class." I said with a slight smile, I have to make a good impression.

His face instantly became pale, I wonder why so. "Listen here, you can ask about anyone in this class but that person. You made a wrong choice about asking."


"Don't ask why you will know later. You're unlucky that you have to sit beside someone that rarely comes to class."

Is the person always ill, that's why the person is never here? I just shrugged my shoulders and looked towards the front, the homeroom teacher came into the class at the same time and placed a thick file on the table and started reading names to take attendance.

All of us said 'here' except for one.

"Yoo YiSeul!" The whole class was silent, no one responded to that name. I looked around the class, all the girls were here but why isn't anyone responding to that name.

"Yoo YiSeul!" The teacher called for her once again. "Transfer student, Yoo YiSeul is not here again?" He asked me.

I shook my head. Why would I even know Yoo YiSeul? Who the hell is she?

"You guys sit beside each other and you don't know? What kind of a classmate are you?"

Emm excuse me, I only transferred yesterday and I only know Lee MinHyuk till now. "Saem, who cares if she is here or not? She just sleeps all day if she does." One female classmate spoke up. "And beats up students here and there. Do you know how scary is that?" Who is she, is she a gangster?

The girl next to her added. "I know right. Can't you just kick her out of the class register? She's the reason that our class had such a bad attendance record for the past 3 years."

"Girls, shut up for now and just focus on scoring As and not come to school with a face caked with makeup. I will take care of Yoo YiSeul so don't worry too much about it. Worry more about your faces instead, I don't know if it would rot from that much makeup that you girls are applying." He directed it to the two girls who were talking about the Yoo YiSeul that I have yet met till now.

The whole class laughed at the two as their faces became red fuming with anger.

"And you Lee Wonho, come to my office after school. I need to talk to you about something." I sighed. And why does it have to do with me?

Oh right, I am her seatmate and everything that has to do with her involves me.

I dragged myself to the teacher's office and went into the office, looking for the teacher that told me to see him after school. "Lee WonHo! Here!" I saw his hand being raised up and I went to him.

"You live at the Monbebe apartments right?" I nodded.

"I wasn't wrong indeed." The teacher said and gave me a whole file of worksheets stacked in it.

"Why are you giving me this?" I looked at the worksheets, they looked like they were weeks old. How long have this papers been in here?

"Bring it to Yoo YiSeul in person when you go back home later."

Ugh, it's about Yoo YiSeul again. What's with the teacher linking us together all the time? "Saem, I would love to but I seriously don't know who the heck is Yoo YiSeul. Why are you telling me about her when I don't even know how she looks like? How would I know where she lives?"

"It is just next door, you guys are neighbors and you guys live on the same floor. Have fun meeting her, I heard that she doesn't beat up guys that look so kind like you."

I don't want to though, to be honest. "Thanks for helping me out, Student Lee WonHo. The others wouldn't even have agreed to it. You are such a great student." He pushed me out of the teacher's office.

"Wait! I didn't say that I would help--" He closed the door and looked down at the file that he just gave me.

I sighed and began to leave school with Yoo YiSeul's file in my hand. Unlucky me for being her seatmate and now being her neighbor. I wonder if she is at home right now.

I was in the lobby waiting for the lift to arrive when there was a trash bin beside me. I stared at it and the file back and forth, wondering if I should throw it away or not.

It is not like I would get scolded if I did, that Yoo YiSeul wouldn't even care if the file of homework gets to her or not.

I threw it down and smiled to myself. I did it, I threw it away and my job here is done.

What if she haunts me for it? That female student said that she beats people up for fun. What if she finds me and beats me up? I definitely don't want that.

I looked at the file once more before taking it with me again. No matter what how much I don't like it, I have to do it or I will die. I don't want to die at such a young age.

I went up the floors and stopped at the 7th floor where my apartment is. I rang the bell of the apartment next to me to complete my mission.

A tall boy opened the door and looked at me from top to bottom. Maybe he is Yoo YiSeul's boyfriend. He looks like the type to me.

"May I know why are you here for?" He asked.

"Emm, can you pass this to Yoo YiSeul? I am her seatmate and this is her homework for the past month."

Before I could say anything, he just took it from me and closed the door. How rude...

Guys like this are that rude, don't mind them. You already did what you are supposed to, so go back to your apartment. I shook my head as I entered my own apartment. Why do I have such neighbors?

Befriending the Gangster // S.W.H (#21)Where stories live. Discover now