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I sat down on the floor of my bedroom, wrapping my arms over my folded legs and my head leaning gently against it. I couldn't fall asleep after all even though I told myself not to overthink about what happened today and to just sleep over it, I just couldn't believe the fact that Lee Wonho would do such a thing to me and we were still really close friends last night.

But now he is being so close to Son Hyunwoo who is my enemy and I will never forgive him for what he did to me, I would want to get revenge but it is hard considering what happened to me back then. I almost died from a few punches and I bet that he wasn't at full strength when he threw his punches towards me, but it was enough for me to concede defeat.

I would have to try again but it would risk too much and I would rather avoid him for the rest of my life than face him upfront once again and I have given up on fighting anyone because of one person, he made me realise that it is not the one solution to everything in life.

Lee Wonho was the one who changed me and made me into a better person and I could never thank him enough for this and now he is using this to get back at me, is he a spy? He doesn't look a bit like a spy, he is too kindhearted and naive and he doesn't seem that he would sell himself out for something else.

He is a very righteous person and he would fight for what is right and what is wrong, he never fails to apologize for the things that he did wrong as well. Even though it is not his fault, he still apologizes because that is the person he is and that is what made me like him as a person.

But now he made me change my mind completely about him, he isn't righteous at all and he apologizes for everything because he is always guilty for everything that he has done. He isn't kind-hearted as well, he makes use of people to get onto their bad side and he did, getting into my soft side when I allowed him to be in my life. I have made such a huge mistake and I hate myself for it.

I ran out of my room and I walked out of my apartment barefooted because I couldn't be bothered to even wear my slippers and he lives just next door, I don't need to walk so far just to reach him. I knocked on his door with such force that could break his door down and that is my motive, I didn't care if my neighbours would wake up because of it but I am just focused on getting Lee Wonho to open the door.

And he did, yawning with one eye closed and scratching his head and he looked up at me with a confused look on his face. "Yiseul, what are you doing here at this timing?"

Without a word, I grabbed him by his collar and dragged him off his apartment dragging him to somewhere I don't even know, I didn't even think of a place to bring him to but I knew that we needed to be out of here. I headed for the lift and that was my best choice after thinking of the chances that anyone would hear us if we talk here, I never let go of him even though I should be doing that but he didn't say anything about letting him go either, he was just panicking about the fact that I dragged him out without any context and it is in the middle of the night.

"Where are we going?" was all he said and he called my name several times hoping that I would respond to him and let him go but I wouldn't let him go, he wouldn't follow me if I do that. "If you are not going to let go of me, then at least hold on my shirt instead. It is suffocating me a little with you grabbing my collar and I am not going to run away at all."

I wanted to object to it but I ended up listening to him and switching my hand to grab his shirt sleeve, he was right and I was having difficulties grabbing his collar and walking at the same time because of the height difference between the two of us. We finally reached the neighbourhood park and I was getting tired as well so I stopped at the park, it should be easier for us to talk with each other now.

I found a bench and I sat down, Wonho sat down next to me a few seconds later and he looked at me. "Is there a reason why we are here at this timing?" He asked me and his voice was quivering because of the cold weather at night, I practically dragged him out when he is still in his pyjamas and he barely managed to put on slippers.

"Is there a reason why you are avoiding me? Is Son Hyunwoo part of the reason?" I asked him, it was so hard to talk to him especially because of what happened earlier today when I witnessed him talking to Son Hyunwoo.

"No, it isn't. Son Hyunwoo is my new step-brother and he is going to be part of my family, it is no doubt that I should try to be closer to him because he is going to be my half-brother very soon."

"And you knew that he was the one who landed me in that state and I told you everything about it." My voice started raising b little. "How can you betray me like this? Was that your plan from the very beginning? To pretend to befriend me so that you can get valuable information from your half-brother or should I say that it is your boss?"

He laughed a little. "You have a lot of imagination but you are right about one thing, I was just trying to get close to you so that I can see you crumble in front of me just like what you are doing right now. You were gullible, it only took you a month to get into my trap and you are being like this. Do you know how pathetic you look right now? Helpless and betrayed but that is what I wanted to see and I have achieved my goal, and I am going to break this friendship because it was never a friendship from the very beginning." He stood up. "Goodbye, helpless Yoo Yiseul. You are just like your cousin, evil and cunning. You two make a great pair together." And he walked away without looking back for one moment, officially ending the friendship that I had with him and I lost a best friend.

Befriending the Gangster // S.W.H (#21)Where stories live. Discover now