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It has been days since I have seen Yoo Yiseul, she hadn't been in class or anywhere else that I might have been to, she kind of disappeared and I have no idea. I know that it is my turn to be worried about her but I am worried about her, she might look like she is very strong hearted and she is able to fight several people at once but her heart isn't strong, she cries a lot and she feels sad very often because her heart has been broken and it can't be fixed.

And I probably broke her heart once again with the words that I said to her that night, I hated myself for saying all of that to her and to break her heart but I had to do that, Son Hyunwoo will suspect that I am friends with Yoo Yiseul and he might do something bad to her when I am not in her sight, I can't risk that at all.

So I have to break one friendship so that I can protect that person from getting hurt any further, if anyone had to break her heart, I would rather be the one who will break her heart and prevent anyone from doing that. It is because I love her that I am willing to do anything to protect me and Son Hyunwoo will not have a chance to touch when I am around.

I let out a sigh as I didn't see Yoo Yiseul in school again, it is already the 3rd day since she didn't come to school and I am a little worried about her. What could possibly happen to her?

"Is Yoo Yiseul not here? I'm calling for Yoo Yiseul, please answer if you are here in class?" The homeroom teacher shrugged his shoulders and he checked off the name list, and he looks up at me. "Lee Wonho, go find out the reason why Yoo Yiseul is not in school for the past 3 days. You are her seatmate and her next-door neighbour so that you are the closest person to her." And the homeroom teacher leaves the classroom for the next subject teacher to come into the classroom.

I nodded and Lee Minhyuk turns his back to me. "Where do you think that Yoo Yiseul had gone to? Do you think that she might have been kidnapped?"

Indeed the word kidnap makes me nervous and my eyes double in size, that could've been a possibility but it is highly unlikely because her family would've kicked up a fuss by now if she had been kidnapped but there is nothing big happening during the past 3 days. "Don't joke around, kidnapping is not a small deal and it is bad." Yoo Kihyun butts into our conversation as usual and I glared at him, I just can't stand his presence at all and I wished that he hadn't sat right in front of me.

"I'm sorry, I am just ruling out all the possibilities. But shouldn't you be the one who knows the best about Yoo Yiseul? What happened to her that she has been absent for the past 3 days?"

I honestly have no idea where she could've been because I temporarily cut off contact with her for the past 3 days and I have not seen her at all, she wasn't at the supermarket nor loitering around the staircase or anywhere else.

"She has been sick for the past 3 days and she was having a high fever." Yoo Kihyun answers his question again and I glared at him but it is more of a shocking one because I didn't expect that she could've been sick.

She dragged me out in the middle of the night without a jacket and she was barefooted, I told her to wear my slippers so that she wouldn't feel so cold but she didn't want to. And I left her alone at the neighbourhood park and I have no idea how long she stayed there for, it was no wonder that she might catch a cold and became sick.

Lee Minhyuk gasped dramatically. "Really? I didn't know that she would fall sick, I thought that she was so tough that no illnesses would come to her and she would defeat them with her punches." Yoo Kihyun smacks his head. "I mean that it is true, she had that cast and those bandages around her before but she is all healed now. She wouldn't catch a cold no matter what because I thought that she wouldn't be that weak to be able to catch a cold."

"She is still a human being for goodness sake, she will get better in no time." Yoo Kihyun told him. "It is because of some bastard who was so bad to her that he left her alone freezing in the cold without a jacket on and no shoes."

I got up from the table because I was so mad over what I had done to her, it is because I left her in the cold and she caught a cold because of me. I could've just dragged her all the way and allowed her to cry in her own apartment rather be in the cold, it is all because of me. I am such a bastard to Yoo Yiseul and I deserved to be slapped and beaten up.

"Where are you going?" Lee Minhyuk asks me.

"To the toilet, I am feeling a little tired today and I am going to freshen myself up." I walked out of the classroom to go to the toilet and Kihyun stops me from doing that, he places a hand on my shoulder. "Let go of me or else you will suffer."

"So that you can do the same to me like how you left Yiseul freezing in the cold? You bastard, I can't believe that you did such a thing to your best friend."

I scoffed. "She isn't my best friend, I don't need one. She was too stupid to have fallen for my trap and she truly deserved it, it is time to let her know as well. You should ask yourself why I don't have a best friend anymore, you know it the best." I yanked his hand off and I walked away from him.

Befriending the Gangster // S.W.H (#21)Where stories live. Discover now