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I put in the last pen that I have in my stationery and I was done with today, I had finished all the homework that I needed to do and the only thing that I need to do is to lie in my bed and fall asleep. I don't have many hobbies for me to do in my free time except for working out, I am a very boring person in general and there's nothing that excites me either.

There is nothing in my life that makes me happy, my father passed away when I was little and my mother neglected me for her work and then have me transferred to many schools and arranging me to stay in apartments that she never comes to visit, and now she is getting remarried to her boss. Clearly, she only has one goal to marry that old man 5 years after my father had passed away, she needed the money and the position that she wanted in the company and she seduced the boss, she would then get his inheritance after he had died and she would take over his position in the company.

That is how Korean dramas portray those high career women, those women who care more about their careers than their family, they would do anything just to continue working, they are extremely obsessed with their jobs more than anything else. About her remarrying her boss, I have officially given up on being her son and I will have no involvement in the family anymore once I have graduated from high school.

I told her that yesterday when I was being forced to go to dinner to meet that man, he was a little taller than I am and buff, it is like she dated someone that she will never date. He had a wife and one son from the previous marriage, he seemed really interested in me but I don't really care, he can't ever replace my late father that my own mother had forgotten about a long time ago.

I made it clear to both of them last night at dinner that I would not attend any family meetings and to stay away from both of them and his son as far as possible, it is best that I stay alone since I have been living like this for a very long time, living with them makes me feel so uncomfortable.

I stretched my arms up high in the air until I feel a crack in my joints, it is the most relaxing thing ever. I headed for the bathroom to brush my teeth and check on my looks for the last time before I go to my bed for the rest of the night, there was a knock on the door that interrupted my entire train of thoughts.

It sounded very urgent and there could only be one person who will ever knock on my door, I don't have a lot of friends and no one knows where I am staying at. I opened the door and she was there looking at me with those eyes that I have never seen before, those eyes called out to me with desperation.

She whimpered with tears in her eyes. "Wonho..." She cried out to me,  it is only a matter of time that she would burst out crying and I definitely don't want that to happen.

What exactly happened to her? She was still happy when she left my place an hour ago to go back to sleep, she has been hanging out at my apartment so much that I wonder if she really owned the place next door or she is just a tenant there. We spent the entire evening after dinner to do our homework and she was tutoring me while she studies at the same time, I have never expected her to know so much stuff when she doesn't even listen in class half of the time.

She was even laughing at herself trying to make some toast for herself as she sucked so much at using it and now she is crying at my doorstep with luggage next to her. "What happened? Is there anything wrong--"

"Won..." She threw herself around me and I barely have any time to even realize what she did to me, it is a first that she hugged me like this. She really must have so heartbroken that she is crying like this.

I made her sit down on my couch while I go pour a glass of water for her, I have told her that she can use the entire box of tissues that is on the coffee table and she is using it to her fullest advantage, whipping out tissue after tissue to wipe her tears that never seemed to stop. I have also given her one of my fluffy blankets and she covered her legs with it, making me feel warm and comfy.

I sat down next to her and passed her the glass of water in her hands as I exchanged it with the box of tissue. "Drink this, you are going to get dehydrated soon if you don't stop crying."

She didn't say a thing but continued to cry, her sobs getting louder and louder and I had no choice but to show her a movie to make her feel better. The timing isn't really suitable for her to cry the entire night, the neighbours are going to complain about and it is not a good thing if that happens.

She watched the movie still crying her heart out, gasping and crying at the same time but she gradually stopped doing that, her breathing has also gone back to normal and soon she was staring at the screen with a blank look on her face with her tears streaming down her cheeks. I took a tissue paper and wiped away her tears on her behalf, she didn't try to punch me in the face when I did that.

She literally was another person, she wasn't the rowdy gangster that I have met the first time nor it is the defiant student that never listened in class and attempt to skip class all the time. She is just a female sitting on my couch heartbroken by something or someone that I don't know of and she really looked feminine at this point of time, there wasn't a hint of rowdiness at all but a weak girl who needed my comforting.

It didn't occur to me that she can look this beautiful as well, even though she has qualities that made her not feminine, behind all the strong armour that she had worn, it is actually a vulnerable girl inside whose heart has been broken multiple times and she is hiding all of that so that she can be stronger.

She grabbed my hand that was wiping her tears away and I looked at her confused. "Comfort me, Wonho..."

"Wasn't I already doing that? I gave you my blanket, gave you a glass of water to drink and played this movie for you." How much more does she even want?

She shook her head. "Comfort me..." She paused. "With your lips." I looked down at her lips.

I immediately turned red. Is she out of her mind already? "Please... I want you to do that. Kiss me."

I blinked, gulping down my saliva as I prepare myself for that first kiss. I took away the glass of water that was in between us and I closed the distance by placing my lips on top of hers, kissing her softly with my eyes closed. 

The movie continued playing softly in the background as the two of us kissed each other on the couch, devouring each other like there is no tomorrow. This might be my only chance at kissing her before she would hit me in the face.

Befriending the Gangster // S.W.H (#21)Where stories live. Discover now