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"Are you nuts? What is going in your mind?" I yelled at my dear cousin after she told me something really ridiculous and unbelievable, how can she think that it is the best thing to do when she just dislocated her shoulder and she is running a high fever. "Yoo Yiseul, you can't do that and you are not going anywhere else."

"But I have to go save Lee wonho, I know that he is in trouble. That Son Hyunwoo is not the kind school president that you know from the school newsletter, he is the boss of a nightclub and he is really evil."

"Isn't he going to be the stepbrother of Lee wonho? Then nothing much is going to happen since they are going to be family soon and you don't do bad things to your family members." I crossed my arms at her and I sat down on the couch. "Sit your butt down and wait for your temperature to go down so that we can leave the hospital, that is your only job here as a patient and my cousin."

She stood up from her bed. "No, I really have to go after them this instant or I will lose them, I have no idea what exactly would Son Hyunwoo do to his stepbrother but I am definitely sure that he is not going to get out unharmed."

"You can't go, Yoo Yiseul. This is none of your business and you don't have a part to play in this, leave them alone and care more about yourself." I told her, raising my voice a little so that she would understand my point for not letting her do whatever she wants to do. "You are having a fever and you just injured yourself, you can't do anything at all let alone save anyone."

"But I can't let this go, Lee Wonho is going to be in more trouble if I don't go after them right now, I can't bear to see him getting beat up because of me." She told me and she attempted to pluck out the IV drip but I stopped her from doing that, I grabbed her hand away and I made her look into my eyes. "Let me go of me this instant, Yoo Kihyun."

"Just give it up, Yoo Yiseul. It is not like he even treats you like a friend, he is not going to be grateful to you if you really save him from Son Hyunwoo. He was only playing around with you to get revenge, and it was nothing but a lie from the very start."

"But I treat Lee wonho as a friend and I treasure the friendship that we had between the two of them, I am not going to stare and not do anything. Lee Wonho needs me and I need to go to him." She told me.

"What are you going to do if I allowed you to go? You can't even do anything with that weak body of yours, you can't even punch anyone with that strength that you have right now. You are going to get defeated right away and you are definitely going to die, is that what you want, Yoo Yiseul?" I yelled at her, I really can't believe how much she can do for Lee Wonho when he treats her like nothing important, I really can't stand this anymore.

I have been watching the both of them ever since I moved over to Yiseul's apartment to stay with my mother after my mother ended things with her second husband, they seemed close when they are together and they really looked like they have feelings towards one another but it is never said it out loud but I can tell. Lee Wonho has never looked any happier than any moment in his life, even when he was friends with her, it is as if Yoo Yiseul was the puzzle to everything in his life and she was made just for him.

I was initially happy at the two of them being friends because Lee Wonho is smiling again but it felt a little weird when Lee wonho confessed to Yiseul that their friendship was nothing but something to be made fun of and it is nothing serious, that really didn't convince me enough but I know that he was deeply hurt by me and he might be getting back at me by befriending my cousin and then breaking her heart.

But it doesn't make sense since they have already known each other even before I moved in with Yiseul and her younger brother, Lee Wonho was shocked to find out that I am actually Yoo Yiseul's cousin and we are family. Then why did Lee Wonho even lie to Yiseul for?

"No matter what you say, I won't listen to them and you are to stay at home until you are not feeling feverish anymore and you are ready to go home," I told her.

"Then I have a brilliant idea, you go find Lee Wonho and then try to get Lee Wonho back by fighting with Son Hyunwoo. You are trained in Taekwondo and you are a black belt holder so you are able to fight anyone without any problems at all."

I crossed my arms and I turned away from her. "I am not going to do that."

"Why? You were against the idea of me going to get Lee Wonho myself but now you also didn't want to go yourself to get Lee Wonho back, what do you want to do? Leave Lee Wonho and die, you are such a horrible person." She cursed at me. "It is time for you to get back that friendship, do it for the sake of your friendship that you had lost many years ago. Or I will be going on my own, you wouldn't care if I were to faint somewhere else and no one is able to bring me back to the hospital. Your mother will hate you for the rest of your life because you left your own cousin to die alone and everyone will hate you as well. Do you want that to happen?"

I looked at her and I deeply sighed. "Stay here until you receive news from me, call the police immediately after I have called you." I got out of the room, I am going to finally do the right thing after all these years.

Befriending the Gangster // S.W.H (#21)Where stories live. Discover now