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I feel a something cold on the right of my cheek and it stings, I got up shocked from the coldness that rushed down through my spine and it wasn't a pleasant feeling. I opened my eyes and there was an ice pack on my right cheek and I screamed at the person who did that.

"What did I ever tell you? Did I tell you not to ever drink right? And you fucking drank 5 bottles of Soju." She removed the ice pack and pinched my cheeks, it's painful and I hated it.

"Why are you here for?" I asked her, getting up from my bed, instantly feeling a wave of margarine that hurt for a long time. I now regretted drinking that much, why the hell did I even drink?

"I'm here to eat food, I'm starving. And plus, there is a lot of food here." She opened the cupboard. "There is a lot of ramyeon packets here, which flavor did you want?"

"Get out of my house, you have an apartment and it is just next door." I got up and I feel even worse than before, I feel like puking. "There are your aunt and your younger brother, they can cook for you."

"No can't do, I'm already cooking." She placed in the noodles in the pot. "I'll put more chili powder for you to get over your hangover."

Why is she so kind for? Did she forget to take her medication? I walked up to her and got closer to her, placing the back of my hand against her head to check if she is having a fever. "What the hell do you think that you are doing, you pervert?"

It feels cold to the touch. "You're fine," I commented.

She rolled her eyes and her face was pink. "Of course, I'm fine." She stared straight in my eyes. "Put your hands down, I'm going to call the police if you don't."

"Right! I'm so sorry!" I put down my hand and stood 5 meters away from her, I think that I was not in my right mind to do that. But she just seems so suspicious caring for me when she usually would mind her own business and she would flash me middle fingers when I annoy her.

Is she like one of them? People like her, I had met countless of them throughout my entire life. Those people, they are the best at their caring and they would do anything to get their target over to their side by acting sincerely in whatever they do.

After they have lured their target over to their side, they would then unleash their true colors and show the true side of them, the side that they didn't want anyone to know unless they are very close to them. And then they will make meaningless promises and disappear without a trace and leave you hanging to wait for them to come back aimlessly.

There were two people like that, my birth mother was the first one. She would only care for me when it would benefit her and she would gain something from it, other than it, she would stay far away from me and pretend to be caring to me, transferring me to different schools and giving me money as allowance thinking that I would be grateful to her.

Yoo Kihyun was the second one, he seemed so sincere to make friends with me and he was the first one to talk to me when I first transferred to his school, he smiles at me all the time and he would never leave me alone until that day, he told no one that he was leaving the country to go somewhere and I couldn't even send him off. He never returned and he disappeared without a trace and now he came back as if nothing had happened and I was never hurt.

And Yoo YiSeul wasn't an exception, she is just like them. "Lee WonHo, what are you standing there like an idiot for?" I turned around and she let out a sigh. "I have been trying to call you for the past one minute and you didn't even respond, are you still drunk?"

"Yoo YiSeul, what exactly are you even trying to do? What is your motive? What are you trying to gain from this?"

"What are you talking about?" She came over to me and grabbed my arms, attempting to drag me to the dining table but I wouldn't budge. "Yah, Lee WonHo!"

"What are you being so kind for? I don't understand your intentions, are you going to betray me after I have trusted you completely?"

"Lee WonHo, I won't..." She let out a long sigh. "I am not that kind of a person to ever hurt someone's feelings like that. I don't know what exactly or who exactly made you think of people like that but not all people are like that. There is still a lot of kind people these days."

"There isn't. All the people around me are like that, they only used me for whatever they want and they will ditch me aside after they have gotten my trust." I yelled at her, my tears streaming down my cheeks. "Do you any idea how much I have suffered from those people?"

"Lee WonHo... Me too, I have also been hurt by those people before but I have people around me who cared for me and they treated me for who I am. They are my aunt and my younger brother, they stayed by my side even if I have done things that disappoint them and they never left me. They changed my life magically as if they are meant to be. You also changed my life, it is just you are not aware of it."

Did I change her life? "I didn't." I squatted down and covered my face with my hands as I sobbed, I have never cried this hard in a while.

She came down to my level and placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder, calming me down. "In life, we will meet people of all kinds. There will be people who will be bad to you and they will do that for the rest of their lives without any hint of regret and there is the other kind, the ones who cared for you and have a heart of gold. I am the second type." She rubbed the small of my back in circles. "I am going to stay next to you as a friend, as part of your family. I'm never leaving you, if I ever do, it would be because I'm dead. Other than that, I will be here when you need me."

"I want to be your one and only friend, Lee WonHo." That sentence made me hug her. I want you to stay with me... "You have told me your story and now I will tell you mine."

Befriending the Gangster // S.W.H (#21)Where stories live. Discover now