Please Don't Leave Me

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Author's Note

Hi! So I know that you might think it's weird that I went from season 3 to season 1 and now to season 6 but I have different ideas for chapters. *Warning* You might wanna grab some tissues because it's going to be sad. This chapter is going to be about Neal's death so that's why I gave you a warning. Anyway, hope you enjoy.

Brooklyn's Pov

Just woke up and I go to find Neal but then realized he's probably with Peter so I go for a walk. I see Peter so I'm guessing their on a case right now. I don't care so I keep walking.


Later I hear a gun shot. I freak out and I try to find my brother. I finally find him laying on the floor covered in blood so I start to cry because I don't want to lose him, He's all I got. I grab my phone and call 911. 


I see them putting him into the ambulance so i run up to him before they take him away.

"You need to step back , mam" The girl says

"I'm his sister just please let me talk to him" I say

"Ok fine"

"Neal! Hey we're gonna get you out of this"

"I don't think so"Neal says

"Don't--- Don't say that" 

"You're the only one who saw the good in me"

"Stop it, No you can't die on me" I say crying

"You're my best friend" Neal says

They take him away and after that I never saw him ever again, I lost my big brother and now i'll be alone forever.


A week later I go and visit is grave.

"Hey, It's me, um I miss you. I told you this would happen but you didn't listen, I told you working for the FBI would put you in this position but you wouldn't listen. I told you to stop working for Peter because I knew one day you would be buried six feet under the ground but you never listened and now I don't have a brother or a family. I just want you back, I want my brother back and I wanna give you the biggest hug and I wanna argue with you again and tell you all the reasons why you suck. I wanna tell you how much i hate you working for Peter and how I'd rather have you go back to prison. I always said that because I knew being in prison wouldn't get you killed but working for Peter would and here you are, Please come back to me, Please. Neal come back to me and tell me everything's going to be ok and tell me how much you hate me because I miss our fights. So I got to meet Peter and Elizabeth's new baby, He's too cute and I started crying because he reminded me of you when you were little even though I don't remember you as a baby. Oh and Mozzie was there too. I left later because I couldn't take it anymore. Please tell me that this was a con, Please tell me you faked it, I want to see you again. No one said that losing someone is ever easy, No one ever said losing your sibling would be easy and it's not because I miss you so much and Neal I want you back. Everyday I feel more lonely and every where I go I hear your voice and I see your face and I start to cry and smile at the same time. Why'd you have to go? Why didn't you listen to me when I told you, you would be killed working for Peter. I guess I came here to say goodbye and that We will hopefully meet again. Love you Neal" I say crying

I leave and I go back to the apartment. I decide to leave New York for good and go somewhere new, like Paris.

I pack my bags and I go say goodbye to my friends.

I go straight to Peter's house to say goodbye to Elizabeth.

"Brooke, What are you doing here?" El asks

"I came to say goodbye because i'm leaving New York for good" I say

"Oh well good luck and Goodbye" 

"Thank you, I'm gonna go find Mozzie, goodbye Elizabeth"

"Goodbye Brooke"

I leave and I go see Mozzie.

"Moz" I say

"Brookie Hi!" Mozzie says

"So I came here to say goodbye"

"Where you going?"

"I'm leaving because I need to start a new life and try to let Neal go"

"Well good luck"

"Thank you Moz, Goodbye"


Brooklyn Amelia CaffreyWhere stories live. Discover now