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Brooklyn's Pov

I did say I'm a disgrace to this family but I'm thinking on staying, I need to stay for my brother. I don't want to upset him and I have friends here and a neice who I love.

I'm also gonna be a aunt again because Sara's pregnant again and I am so happy for her and Neal.

So today I woke up and walked out into the kitchen. I made come coffee and of course my little neice asked me "Aunt Brooke?"

I look at her with a smile and I say "Yes sweetie"

She said "Can I try some?"

I laughed and said "Jessica Caffrey, I love you so much but no you can not, your not old enough but when you are then sure but right now, no"

She was so angry and that's when Neal walked in and he asked me "Why is Jessica angry?"

I laughed and said "Because I wouldn't let her have coffee again"

I mean I tried to keep in my laughter but I couldn't help it! She's 3 year old and she's angry because I won't let her have any coffee.

Jessica then looks at Neal and says "Daddy, aunt Brooklyn is being so mean to me!"

Even Neal couldn't keep himself from laughing. I mean like brother like sister, haha this is so funny.

Sara then comes walking into the kitchen and she sees me and Neal laughing and Jessica with a angry look on her face and she asks us "Why is Jessica angry and why are you two laughing?"

Again I tried to keep myself from laughing as I talked but I couldn't. I said to Sara "Um well Jess saw me making coffee and got angry when I wouldn't let her have any, I mean I know this happened before but this time it's even more funny"

Sara was gonna say something but then bursts out laughing with us so then 3 year old Jess stomps away angry and turns to face us and yells "YOU GUYS ARE SO MEAN!"

We start laughing harder and she stomps as loud as she can while walking away. After she's gone we try to calm down but Neal being Neal, he mocks his own daughter and that makes us laugh even more. Oh my god I feel so bad for laughing but we couldn't help it and the fact that Neal mocked her made it even more funny.

We then hear a knock at the door and while laughing I say "Come in!"

Mozzie walks in and sees us laughing and wonders what's going on. Jess then comes stomping down the stairs and saying how mean I am and then Mozzie then realized why we were laughing and so he started laughing with us.

Hours pass and we finally calm down and we thought that we were done laughing but then of course my neice had to walk down the stairs and she's still mad. She looks me right in my eyes and gives me a death glare and well we started laughing again. My neice can be evil but funny at the same time.

After again laughing for what seemed like an hour, I decided to go up to my room and rest. All that laughing took all of my energy and I was really tired.

I'm about to close my eyes when I hear my door open and I jumped. I mean whoever it was didn't knock so I thought someone broke into my room to take me or to steal something.

I look up to see who it is and thank God it's Neal. I was like "So is knocking not a thing anymore or?"

He said he was sorry and handed me a cup of coffee which helped me wake up but after drinking it, I said "Big Brother I'm gonna go to bed for now so goodnight"

Being the best big brother he is, kissed my forehead and kissed me goodnight. He walked out of my room and I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

While asleep I had this dream and my neice was in it.

It was weird because I got up to walk into the kitchen and it was about 3 am and I thought about making more coffee and so that's what I did. After the coffee was made, Jess ran into the kitchen and stole the coffee pot and ran away, I stood there confused and then secs later she ran back out and handed me the pot and it was empty. I was like "What the heck just happened?" I looked at her and she then ran over the the one cabinet and stole the entire thing of coffee beans and started eating them from the bag. I tried to take the bag away from her but when I tried to, she growled and she had pointy teeth and red eyes. I went to put my hand on her shoulder and then coffee started pouring out of her mouth and then it went up and into my mouth and I started melting. it's like she did something to the coffee and because she was mad at me, she wanted to melt me with coffee. I then woke up and went downstairs and Neal and Sara were just sitting at the table talking to each other.

I went up to them and I looked so scared but was also laughing for some reason. Neal then asks me "Are you ok?" I said "Um I don't know"

I then told him my dream and what happened. After telling him, he laughed but also gave me a big hug and said "It's gonna be ok Sis"

I started to feel better and then I went back up to my room but I couldn't go back to sleep. Wow today was weird!

Brooklyn Amelia CaffreyWhere stories live. Discover now