Drinking the solution

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Brooklyn's pov

It was the same day and after making up with Neal I told him that I would drink the solution even if I don't want to.

We walked back into the kitchen/Living room area and we all sat down at the table. I was scared because I never trust things if I don't know what's in it since I never know if it could kill me.

Also I am not saying I don't trust Mozzie but him mixing chemicals together is scary cause now I have to drink it and it might kill me.

Neal then takes the solution from Mozzie and looks at it just to make sure it's ok for me to drink.

Neal then takes the solution from Mozzie and looks at it just to make sure it's ok for me to drink

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He then says it's ok and he hands it to me. I put it on the table and I stand up and I start pacing back and forth.

Neal then says "Your gonna be fine Brooke!"

I said "Oh I know but I hate drinking things when I don't know what's in them and I love Mozzie but him mixing unknown chemicals together is scary"

Neal gets up and puts his hands on my shoulders and reassures me that everything is going to be ok, that nothing will happen to me which helped a little bit.

We sat back down and I grabbed the cup and brought it up to my mouth. Neal knew how scared I was so he counted before I drank it.

He counted "1- 2 -3"

I then poured the whole thing down my throat.

Let's just say that it did not feel good going down

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Let's just say that it did not feel good going down. All of a sudden I feel really weird on the inside, I get up and then right as I stand up I pass out, it really knocked me out.

Before passing out I hear Neal yell "BROOKLYN!"

He knew what was about to happen and he even tried to catch me but he was too late and I passed out and fell to the ground.

Later I wake up and I'm laying on the bed with my stuffie in my hands.

Neal comes in and tells me how I was asleep for hours even if it felt like 5 minutes to me.

I was feeling dizzy since the solution was doing something to my head.

I said to Neal "Am I dying, I feel like I'm dying"

Brooklyn Amelia CaffreyWhere stories live. Discover now