Being Sassy

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Brooklyn's Pov

So today I woke up feeling really angry for some reason and so I started snapping at everyone even my brother. Ok so It wasn't just some dumb reason, my 3 year old niece kept me up all night because she decided to be annoying for no reason. I lost sleep and now because of it,I'm really angry. I feel like I might accidentally yell at her and if I do I'll feel really bad about it.

I walk downstairs and I walk into the kitchen and Neal asks me how I'm doing and just trying to be a good big brother. I tell him to shut up and that I don't care about anything he has to say and he's nothing and that no one even likes him anyway.

He then asks me if I'm ok and I again yell Shut up! I started to feel bad because Neal's my brother and he didn't do anything wrong. I just snapped at him because his daughter, my niece kept me up all night because she decided to be annoying and I don't do well if I don't get any sleep.

Jess finally comes downstairs and she's still mad at me because I wouldn't let her have any coffee and then I now made her even more angry because I decided to snap at her and after that she ran upstairs crying.

I literally told her "Your such an annoying brat! You kept me up all night because you decided to be so annoying and you wouldn't shut up and now because of you I am angry so next time how about you SHUT UP AND STOP BEING SO ANNOYING!"

So yeah she got really upset and ran upstairs crying, I felt bad and then I looked at Neal with Tears starting to form in my eyes, I wasn't crying yet but I felt like I was going too. 

Neal then says to me in an angry tone "Not so sassy now, are we?"

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Neal then says to me in an angry tone "Not so sassy now, are we?"

I got really really upset that I said this "No, definitely not, I - I- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to"

I go upstairs and I go to Jess's door and I knock on it. I ask her if I can come in but she says go away. I tell her that I'm sorry and that I didn't mean it. She still tells me to go away so I listen to her and I go away.

I walk back downstairs and I walk into the kitchen and I don't say a word.

Neal gives me a look and I grab a cup of water and I walk back upstairs.

Neal starts to feel bad about what he said to me and he tries to make everything better but I won't talk to him. 

Later I'm back downstairs and someone knocks on the door so I go and answer it, it's Mozzie. 

I'm so glad my friend is here. He asks me "Are you doing ok?" and I say "no".

He asks me "why" and I say that "I got really angry this morning because my niece kept me up all night because she decided to be really annoying. I snapped at everyone including Jess and then Neal said to me "Not so sassy now, are we ? " and then I got all upset and I tried to make up with Jess but she wouldn't listen so then I walked back downstairs and I wouldn't say anything when I walked into the kitchen and Neal gave me a look and I still wouldn't talk to him. I grabbed a cup of water and then I went back upstairs and now were here"   

Moz being the good friend he is, gave me a hug. I started to feel better and I felt like I could finally tell Neal I'm sorry.

I go back upstairs and I knock on Neal's door. He opens it and I tell him that I'm sorry for being so sassy today and for taking it out on him. I know I messed up and this will never happen again. If you want to ground me, then go ahead. I may be an adult but I deserve to be grounded.

Since Neal is my big brother he tells me to go to my room and I do. I don't deserve to be apart of this family, I don't deserve to be Neal's sister, I don't even deserve to have our last name, I don't deserve to be a Caffrey!

Brooklyn Amelia CaffreyWhere stories live. Discover now