Are you even paying attention?!

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Brooklyn's pov

Today I woke up and got Wally to school, I then came home and sat down on the couch and relaxed. Neal wasn't home so I had no one to talk to except for June. Anyway, I walked downstairs and she smiled and said "Come sit down dear"

I sat down and we talked but then I told her that I was gonna go see Neal and so I walked to the office and when I get there Diana says "Brooke, what did you do?"

I laughed and said "I am offended you think I did anything, just because I'm a Caffrey doesn't mean I did anything and not all Caffrey's are bad or should I say criminals"

Neal then got up and said "Brooke, what are you doing here?"

I said "I'm here to see you, I had to come see my big brother"

He smiled and later I had to go pick up Wally so I go home and drive to the school and pick him up. He then shows me something he made for me in art class and it was so amazing, two hours pass and Neal gets back and he goes and sits down and starts reading the newspaper. Wally goes to show his uncle what he made for him since he made him one too, Neal kinda looks at it and but barely and just says "Impressive"

 Wally goes to show his uncle what he made for him since he made him one too, Neal kinda looks at it and but barely and just says "Impressive"

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I say "Are you even paying attention?!"

He looked up at me and said "Huh?"

I said "Exactly! You weren't even paying attention, ya know your nephew made you something and he was so excited to show you it and all you did was kinda look at it which you didn't really didn't get a good look at it and said "Impressive" I can't believe you would do that to him"

I got kinda angry and said "I'll be right back!"

I walked out of the apartment and I found Alex so me and her talked. She saw that I was angry and asked me "What's going on, why are you so mad"

I said "So when I brought Wally home he showed me this picture he made in art class and then Neal comes home and Wally made one for him too but Neal sits down and grabs the newspaper and he kinda looks at the thing Wally made and then looks back down at the paper and says "Impressive" He didn't even really look at it which I got angry cause it's like your nephew made something for you and you don't even care, I am just this close to just leaving him and taking Wally and living by myself, I mean I won't cause I don't want to leave you and Moz and Diana but still"

I said "So when I brought Wally home he showed me this picture he made in art class and then Neal comes home and Wally made one for him too but Neal sits down and grabs the newspaper and he kinda looks at the thing Wally made and then looks back d...

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She then says "Hey maybe you could try talking to him about it again and I understand wanting to leave Brooke but I'm sure Neal wasn't trying to push you or Wally away just talk to him before you do anything okay? And I'll be here if you need anything"

 I said "Guess your right, thanks for being there, your really good friend"

I went back to the apartment and walked upstairs, Wally was i guess in his room and Neal was still sitting there. I said "Brother, can I talk to you for a second?"

He said sure and I said "Look I know you just got home from work but you made your nephew feel bad. All he wanted to do was show you this thing he made for you and you didn't even notice and so can you please go in there and talk to him, I just want him to be happy and still love you but if you do things like this then he won't love you anymore"

He went to talk to Wally and June then came upstairs to check on us and she says "Is everything alright up here?"

I say "Yeah everything is fine June, Neal just did something bad but were fine"

She came inside and said "What happened?"

I said "Well Wally was so excited to show his uncle what he had made him but Neal didn't pay any attention to it and he kinda looked at it and said "Impressive" and then just went back to looking at the newspaper, Wally I guess got upset and went into his room and I went to talk to Alex because she's my best friend and she told me to talk to him so that's what I did. Neal is in Wally's room talking to him and I hope everything goes good in there"

June really made me feel better which she always does because she is the sweetest person I have ever meant. I guess today was good, kinda but I'm glad we got to talk things out!

Brooklyn Amelia CaffreyWhere stories live. Discover now