Why does he hate me so much?

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Brooklyn's Pov

It seemed like a normal day and it was going pretty good until Mozzie came over. He still hates me since I yelled at him when I ended up in the hospital all because of a solution he gave me. I mean I never thought he would hold a grudge but I was wrong. Anyway so he decided to pull a prank on me and that prank almost got my brother to hate me. Yeah Neal was angry and he almost grounded me all because he believed Mozzie and didn't listen to me until after Mozzie confessed to what he did. I should tell you what he did, let's rewind!

So he came over and I guess to see Neal since he still hates me. He hated me so much that he told Neal that I forged another painting and I made a fake ID, like excuse me! One ok yes I would forge another painting because I learned from the best brother ever and secondly I would never ever make a fake ID!

Of course Neal believed Moz because he's his best friend and well I'm his little sister even though I'm more trustworthy then him. I said to Neal "He's lying, I don't have a fake ID ok and you can search me if you have to also sure I would forge another painting but I didn't. Neal please you have to believe me"

He just told me to shut up and then he takes me over to the table and puts me under it and uses the chairs as a jail

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He just told me to shut up and then he takes me over to the table and puts me under it and uses the chairs as a jail. I hate this! It was only the first night and he wouldn't even let me have dinner, I was so hungry!

I've been in here for days and then someone finally feels bad and he tells Neal about what he did. Geez I've never hated Mozzie more then I have right now, I really hate him, he did all of this just because he doesn't like me anymore!

I heard him say that he made it all up and that he was just trying to prank me but it went to far. He showed Neal the fake ID and confessed to all of it. 

Ha, Neal then gets a bit angry with Mozzie and it was the funniest thing ever! He then let's me get out of the chair jail he made and then he tells me he's sorry for choosing Mozzie over me and that he'll believe me for now on. 

Neal then said "Brooke, I'm so sorry, I should have heard your side of the story before jumping to conclusions"

I said "I forgive you and I say we kick Mozzie out of the house" 

That's exactly what we did! Let's just say that we are no longer friends and he's no longer welcome in this house. You mess with Neal Caffrey's little sister, your gonna pay for it! He's the best big brother ever!

Brooklyn Amelia CaffreyWhere stories live. Discover now