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Brooklyn's Pov

No matter how much I hate Neal's decision making I always know that he would do anything for Me. Anything to protect Me, even if it meant putting Me in danger."You're right. If Neal hadn't been there, we wouldn't be standing here now. If Neal wasn't there Fowler wouldn't have gotten away with what he did. It's not our fault and it shouldn't matter that he has money or power. He should only matter because she mattered," he whispered. My heart broke when I heard those words. I hated hearing people say things like that about my brother and when it came to Neal, I knew better then anyone that he really was hurting. He loved her and he lost her. I knew it would take a long time for him to move past this pain and grief, but I hoped that one day they could be together again but until then, I would be there for him."I know you're hurting and I know that you blame yourself for what happened to her but you need to let go of it. You need to move on and find someone new to love. Someone who will make you happy. Someone who will make you happy. Neal won't, if you keep carrying around this guilt and blame it will eat at you until it kills you" I said, Neal cares and loves you and if you think he doesn't care about you then you aren't worthy enough to call him your brother.  Neal will be there for you and support you as well and you both have each other and you are stronger than this. I want you two to be happy." Later The judge had made a decision. "Garrett Fowler you have been found guilty of the death of Kate Moreau and for purchasing the explosives that blew up the plane, Your under arrest and anything will and can be used against you in court" Judge said

Garrett was handcuffed and led out of the courtroom. The judge told everyone that Neal was free to go. 

"Neal Caffrey your free to go" The judge said

 I smiled since my big brother is not going back to prison, I mean it wasn't even his fault and I am so glad that Fowler is behind bars. Me and Neal went back to the apartment and I went into our bedroom to get ready for the night when I walked out into the living room area he was sitting there reading a book. 

"Hey so you ready to get over Kate?" I asked, He looked at me. 

"I don't feel like it" he replied My eyes widened. "What why? Don't you love her?" I questioned 

He sighed and closed his book. "Yeah I love her" 

I sat down next to him. "Then what's wrong?" I asked confused 

"It's just that I feel like there's something more I could have done to prevent this from happening." he sighed. "Maybe. But you couldn't change any of it. 

There's nothing you could have done to prevent it from taking place" my eyebrows knitted together in confusion. 

"So why are you feeling so guilty? Like you feel responsible." I asked him. "Because she is gone and everything's falling apart." he said, I gasped softly as tears started to form. I hugged him. 

"Everything will be okay." I tried to assure him. I felt him stiffen. 

"How can you be so sure?" he asked. I pulled away from him. "Because I'm here and I'll always be here for you." I smiled at him. 

"Thank you." he said. "Anytime." I replied. 

"We should get to bed bro" I told him. He nodded slightly. "Okay." I stood up and went back to bed while he followed. It was about 8 am and we were woken up by the sound of someone knocking on the apartment door. Neal gets up to answer it, it's Mozzie. 

"Good morning guys" Moz says

"Morning what are you doing here?" I say
"I'm here because I have something to tell you guys, it's important"
"Is something wrong"
"El is not doing ok"
"WHAT! What happened?"
"She tried to hurt herself because she was losing her mind because of Peter, She can't live without him"
"Oh my gosh that's horrible, is she at home?" 

Brooklyn Amelia CaffreyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang