I pushed Mozzie down the stairs

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Brooklyn's pov

I still hate Mozzie and he still hates me. It's only because I almost died cause he gave me some type of solution because I was acting weird.

So I woke up today better then I was yesterday and I walked into the kitchen and got myself a cup of coffee since I wanted to wake up this morning.

I keep thinking about the day I'm gonna give a cup of coffee to Jess and I'll get to see a smile on her face and she'll finally not be mad at me.

Anyway I was eating breakfast and doing stuff around the apartment. Neal was somewhere else doing whatever and so I did whatever I wanted while he was gone.

I walked downstairs and talked with June and then I walked back up to the apartment and some other things but later I got bored because I did like everything. It was about 3 pm and Mozzie came over which is just great, I'm being so sarcastic.

That's when Neal got back and right as he walked into the apartment I gave him a huge hug. I said "Welcome home Brother"

He said "Brooke, what did you do?"

I said "I am hurt you thought I did something"

Later Neal was in the room and Mozzie was about to leave and he was through the door and so I went up behind him and pushed him down the stairs.

Neal comes out and I said "Some people are like slinkies their useless and bring me a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs"

His face changed and he said "Brooke, please say you didn't push Mozzie down the stairs"

I had a drink in my hand and I just stared at him while taking a sip.

He said "Oh my god Brooke, you can't just go around pushing people down the stairs!"

I said "Didn't you hear what I said that some people are like slinkies their useless and bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs"

He said "He is not useless"

I said "Yes he is and he brought a smile to my face when I pushed him down the stairs"

He got really worried and said "We got to get him to a hospital!"

I said "He'll be fine, don't worry about it"

He said "Brooke! Did you want him to die or something?"

I said "Yes, yes I did"

He said "Brooke, slinkies are made to be pushed down the stairs but people aren't"

I said "Hey, they are when they mean nothing to me and I want them dead"

He said "BROOKE!"

I said "Ok fine"

I help him get Mozzie to the hospital and I may have not wanted to but I guess I can't see my brother upset anymore. As a little kid it made me happy to see him sad but now it makes me sad to see him sad.

Anyway we got Mozzie to the hospital and he was fine and he had some broken bones but he was fine. Neal took me home and said "Your Grounded!"

I got upset and said "Neal, I'm sorry for what I did"

He said "Your not sorry for what you did, Brooke!"

I said "Ok I'm a little bit sorry"

He said "Just because you hate him because he gave you a solution and you almost died taking it doesn't mean you had to go push him down the stairs!"

I actually started crying and I said "Look I am so sorry for what I did and how are you grounding me for doing this! instead you should make me feel better but no your just making me feel worse, fine I'll go in my room and stay there but I just want to say this one thing to your stupid face, You are the worst big brother anyone could have and I don't even know why I still love you and I don't anymore! I hate you Neal!"

I run into the room and I sit there on the bed and I cry into my pillow. You'd think having a brother would be the best thing you could ever have in your life but then you have one and it only makes things worse, he makes everything worse! You also you think having a criminal as a brother should make him know that doing bad things is something you can't control. 

The only reason I get grounded and in trouble the most is because I'm his only sister and his little sister. I was always the one who no one saw, the one who was always the one who was invisible to everyone except my brother. No one ever knew I existed and it hurt because Neal was always the favorite and I was ..... nothing. I never got to celebrate my birthday or get gifts on Christmas. I never got anything and he got all the attention while I'm standing there and no one sees me. The only thing I ever got on my birthday was a cupcake with a candle on top from Neal. My life has sucked and it still does, he gets away with everything while I don't. 

Ok so I should have never pushed Mozzie down the stairs but he, he deserved it! I'm thinking of running away for good this time, he would be better without me. I'm just a disgrace to our family and I don't deserve to be a Caffrey, I know that's not even my actual last name but I also don't deserve to be a Bennett. I'm a disgrace to everything and everyone but I'm just little stupid Brooklyn Caffrey and I'll never be loved by anyone!

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