Gone into labor

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Brooklyn's pov

Today was a new day but Neal still hasn't forgave me for throwing his childhood stuffed animal into the fire on accident. I went out today to try and find a stuffed animal that looks like Wally and I was searching for like hours and I could feel really bad pain in my stomach and it seemed to get worse and worse. I kinda shrugged it off and kept going, I finally find a stuffed grey walrus that looks just like Wally so I buy it and take it back to the apartment.

I walk into the apartment and he's sitting on the couch and he looks at me still looking sad. I go and grab the walrus out of the bag and I go to give him it and I had a smile on my face but then I feel water dripping down my leg and it felt like someone kicked me so hard. He had this worried look on his face because he knew something was wrong.

The pain got worse as seconds pass and I tell him "I think the baby is coming!"

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The pain got worse as seconds pass and I tell him "I think the baby is coming!"

He gathers everything we will need to take with us and then we rush downstairs and June also looks worried and she asks "What's going on, is everything alright?"

Neal looks at her and says "Brooke is having this baby and we need to get her to the hospital"

She then tells us to be careful and while we drive to the hospital I tell him that he needs to tell Mozzie that he needs to come to the hospital and so as I am groaning in pain he calls Mozzie to tell him that were on our way there because I'm going into labor. 

Anyway we get to the hospital and they hook me up to an IV and all the other stuff and their waiting for me to get to like 10 for being dilated so I just laid down in the bed waiting for however long it'll take. I never thought I would be going through this right now but here I am giving birth to my ex's baby boy. 

Soon later Mozzie shows up and I was so happy to see him and he says that he could totally help birth this baby and I said "As much as I love you and I do but yeah no let the doctor's help with that"

We were kinda laughing and stuff but it took about 3 maybe 4 hours for the baby to come. So finally I get to 10 and they say it's time for me to push this baby out and I just said "Ok"

So one push after the other and baby boy was finally here! The nurse asked "What's his name?"

I smiled and said "Wally Theo Caffrey"

She said "Oh what a cute name"

She asked "Is he named after anyone special?"

I said "Yeah um his first name is after my brother's stuffed animal who tragically died in a fireplace and then his middle name is named after my good friend Mozzie because I love him too much"

So they got him all cleaned up and usually the dad gets to cut the cord but since his father is in prison and will probably be there for a long time so Neal cut the cord, I mean who says the uncle can't cut the cord.

So Neal cut the cord and they wrapped him up and let me hold him, I mean I kinda feel like the pain was so worth it in the end. I mean sure it hurt but in the end I got to hold this precious little boy in my arms. 

Neal sat down on the edge of the bed and he was looking down at Wally and smiling, I love that my brother and my friend are with me, they do make everything better!

Neal sat down on the edge of the bed and he was looking down at Wally and smiling, I love that my brother and my friend are with me, they do make everything better!

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Later I got to feed him and it was such a magical moment, I love that I have him in my arms and that I get to take care of him for awhile. I can't wait to take him home soon and have him meet June!

Brooklyn Amelia CaffreyWhere stories live. Discover now