Sara's having a baby

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Brooklyn's Pov

It's been a year since Neal and Sara got married and she's been living with us which has been so much fun, no seriously it has.

This morning Sara was in the bathroom for a little bit and I was starting to get worried. I go in there and there is pure joy on her face. "I'm pregnant!" Sara says

"WHAT! Have you told Neal yet?" I say back

"No but I will"

"He's going to be so happy that you two are going to be parents, I knew My brother would be a good dad one day"

"Do you think I should tell him now?"

"Yes do it!"

She goes to tell Neal and I just stand there with a huge smile on my face.

I hear screaming in the other room but screams of excitement. This has been the best day ever!

Later months have passed and her belly starts to show. I can't wait to find out what the baby is. She looks at herself in the mirror, smiling as she watches her stomach stretch. You're almost here my little girl.It doesn't take long until she feels a kick and she jumps up from where she was sitting on the floor. She looks back up at herself in the mirror with a smile, happy to see that she's getting big. 

"Wait you just said Little girl, you knew!" I told Sara "Yes I knew but so did Neal" She said back"Wait so you and my Brother knew this entire time and didn't tell me!" I said kinda angry. It took everything in me to keep myself calm. I felt really embarrassed and sad right now"Yes I knew." Was all Sara had to say to defend herself. She looked down at her hand and then up at me again, like saying it was a mistake"What does that mean?!" I asked angrilyI was pretty mad at Sara for not telling me sooner. 

It wasn't fair"It means that when I found out I got excited and wanted to share. The gender was more important than a one way trip" Sara explained why they hadn't told me earlier."But why didn't anyone ever tell me?!" I cried tears of frustration. I'm so angry at myself for being mad at everyone, it seems I always end up causing troubleShe sighed and went closer to me. She sat next to me on the bed. She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tight. "I'm sorry Brooke" Sara saysI was really mad at her and Neal. I'm about to become an aunt and I thought we were gonna have a gender reveal for Sara and Neal's baby but instead she already knew that she was having a baby girl. Like why would my sister in law and my brother keep this from me. They could've told me this morning but no they had to hide it. I don't know why I feel hurt over them hiding it from me but I do. Why did they lie to me. I felt betrayed by them. I don't deserve this. "Why are you apologizing? Just don't keep secrets like that again okay. Please" I said, giving Sara a hug in return.Sara hugs me tighter and nods. "Okay Brooke. Can we talk about something else?" I nodded and pulled back from the hug. 

I wiped my eyes and smiled at Sara. She's right, the gender reveal isn't the issue here. What matters is my happiness. I'm going to be a great auntie! I think.After a while of chatting, I hear my phone ringing. I checked who it was and saw Neal calling me. Great he's calling me. I stood up and left the room leaving Sara alone to continue talking. "Hey Neal!" I answered the call."Hey sis" He replied"So I heard that you and Sara are having a little girl" I said"How'd you know that?""Sara accidentally said it" I replied laughing a bitHe laughed also "Yeah it's a girl. We didn't wanna tell you yet cause we knew how excited you would get" He saidI was actually surprised that he came to me. When I first found out she was pregnant I was excited because I would be an awesome Auntie! I can totally handle this."Well I'm so excited. Congratulations you two!" I said.He chuckled "Yeah, anyways we need your help picking the name. Sara said that we need to come up with the baby's nickname or whatever. But what are you thinking? Any ideas?" He askedI paused for a second before answering "well, what about 'Jessica for her name and then maybe her nickname can be Michelle" I suggestedThere was a pause and then both of us burst into laughter. "Ohh, that's perfect!" 

"Well thank you for helping"Neal said"Your welcome Bro"I hang up and go back to sitting next to Sara."Thank you for helping me pick the baby's name" Sara said to me"No problem" I said backWe went silent for awhile before Sara broke the silence. 

"Didn't you say something earlier?" She questionedI raised my brows and tilted my head to the side. "About what?" I asked"When we found out that we're having a girl, you said something and I remember you said Jessica" Sara said"I don't think I said it but I must have been thinking it"I replied"You probably meant it, like maybe when you said it earlier you weren't sure if the baby was a boy or a girl" Sara explainedI furrowed my brows slightly and looked away for a moment. Maybe. My memory is still a little foggy, maybe I'm remembering things wrong. "Maybe..." Sara said

Brooklyn Amelia CaffreyWhere stories live. Discover now