Singing in the shower

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Brooklyn's Pov

 So still dating Mozzie and we still haven't told anyone about it. I was feeling tired so I decided to take a shower and see if that wakes me up.I lay some clothes on my bed so I can get dressed when I get out of the shower.

 I didn't have anything cute to wear so I wear something not so pretty but who will care. I strip and get into the shower. As I am getting my hair wet, I start singing a song that kinda reminds me of myself. 

 "She's imperfect, but she tries, She is good, but she lies,She is hard on herself, She is broken and won't ask for help,She is messy, but she's kind, She is lonely most of the time, She is all of this mixed up and baked in a beautiful pie She is gone, but she used to be mine" I sing 

Sara's Pov

 I'm walking around upstairs when I starting hearing someone singing, they weren't bad but it was weird. Does Neal have another girl here? Is he cheating on me?I then hear someone knocking on the house door. I go downstairs and open the door. It's Mozzie.He looked like he was excited to see someone, like he was keeping a secret. I asked him what he was hiding and he made up some excuse just so he wouldn't have to tell me the real thing he's hiding. 

I let him inside and he starts to hear the singing too.We don't know who it is but I think Neal might be cheating on me.Me and Moz go upstairs and it seems like the singing is coming from the bathroom so we slowly open the door and go inside. We see a girl in the shower but we don't know who she is.She sounds really good but I'm still confused on who she is. 

Neal then comes in and says

 "What are you guys doing in the bathroom, Brooke is taking a shower"

 "Oooh that's Brooke" I say 

"She sounds really nice" Moz says and me and Neal look at him. 

We can't figure out what the secret is. She then gets out of the shower and wraps the towel around her. 

Mozzie seems to love it and we again look at him and now we get it, THEY'RE DATING!"How long have you guys been dating?" I ask both of them

 "What! we aren't dating" Brooke says 

"Look you don't have to keep it from us, we don't care about it" 



Brooklyn's Pov 

They walk away and I can hear them talking about it's gross that me and Moz are dating and that she waited to say it just so she could talk about us behind our backs. I love Sara but I can't believe she did that.

 I thought maybe dating Moz was a mistake and I kinda feel bad about it. I mean sure I still love him but Sara made me feel really horrible. I still love her as a friend and she's now my sister by marriage but I still hate that she talked about me behind my back. I mean yes I get it, dating him is a little weird because he's never the one girls go after, he's not Neal. I had a boyfriend before and he was like Neal, charming and it's like all he had to do was look you right in the eyes and you would be under his spell. I broke up with him because he turned out to be one of the cases they were working on. I knew there was something off about him but I didn't care until that day I found out. I was heartbroken and couldn't seem to smile but Neal and Moz were there by my side and they made everything better. Sometimes Neal can be super annoying but I still love him. Sure we also fight but all siblings fight, like I remember when we fought about when he gave Jess cake for breakfast. I got really mad and I stormed out of the house but then I came back and then went up to my room and went crazy so that was fun but I'm fine now.

Well I guess I'm not fine  because Sara is still talking about us behind our back and now I feel like I want to cry or like run away. I walk out of the room and I drag Neal out of the house. I need to talk to my big brother. After we get out of the house, we talk and  finally, I tell him about Sara and how she said things behind my back and how she made me feel bad and he agrees. 

He then pulls me into a hug and tells me everything will be alright now cause I have him and Mozzie and he loves me no matter who else may love me first.We stay like this until I feel better and then Neal kisses my cheek and lets go of me and walks back into the house. I then make a mental note to talk to my brother. Once I get home, I sit in my room and think and then fall asleep.~I wake up late the next morning and I get ready and eat breakfast and then walk downstairs and I see Sara and Neal in the kitchen. 

I greet Sara and I go straight to the fridge to grab some eggs and I get a bowl and put a few slices of bacon in it and I put some butter in it and add the egg and I start cooking. I try to act all normal around Sara because if she knew that I knew she was talking about me and Mozzie behind our backs then she would feel bad just like how I feel bad. I like Sara, no I love her and I don't want anything to come between us. She's my sister in - law and I would never want our sisterly bond to be ripped apart. I feel like I want to walk away because I was getting really angry cause of what Sara said before. 

Neal can see I'm not happy to be in the kitchen with Sara and him so he makes an excuse to talk to me. He pulls me away and upstairs into his bedroom, I just start ranting to my brother about how I'm so mad about Sara talking behind me and Mozzie's back, like why can't she just deal with it. Neal tries to calm me down and he does cause he's a good big brother. I mean I couldn't ask for a better brother. Eventually, Neal helps calm me down and then we talk to Moz and we're happy again. But Sara keeps going behind my back and I can feel something wrong and I just wanna know what's wrong and I feel bad cause I want her to come clean about it. That's all she did was talk and it started to piss me off and Mozzie and Neal are being all protective and it's making me feel awful and sad cause they are being all overprotective of me, they're worried that I'll run away cause of Sara's dumbass.

Brooklyn Amelia CaffreyWhere stories live. Discover now