I set the traps

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Brooklyn's pov

For some reason I felt like going to the Bureau so I went up there.

As I get there, I see Peter talking with Jones so I sneak up there so I can listen to their conversation. I hated what I heard, I always knew he used Neal all these years I just never said anything. All of a sudden they come out of his office so I hide. After their gone I go inside and I search it.

I find a piece of paper that says that He used Neal just so he could get a few criminals behind bars and then after that Neal would be put back in prison and never released. I got really mad about this, like how dare you do this to my big brother.

I took a picture of the paper so I could show Neal then I put the paper back where it was and left.

 I get back to the apartment and I show Neal the picture of that paper I found in Peter's office. I tell him everything that I heard Jones and Peter talk about, He needed to know everything. I couldn't let him get away with it, Like you don't do that to my big brother and get away with it.

I tell Neal to back to the Bureau cause then he could see the paper for himself. He thought I was lying cause he knows how much I hate Peter and sure I always wanted him to be fired or to be put in jail but now I have a reason to.

I told him that he doesn't have to believe me but I want him to check it out.

He said he would check it out and I felt happy. I am right about this and when he finds out, he won't be happy.

Ok yeah I know that someone could be framing him but I have known that he used Neal and I finally found the truth, it feels great and I knew he should have never trusted him but he's Neal and he doesn't think before doing. Yeah growing up with him was hard, being in witsec with him was hard. Someone please kill me now, please I'm not begging, I'm asking. Sorry I got out of hand for a second there but if your willing to do it then do it. Ok I'm done, I promise.

We both go back up to the Bureau and now we have to wait til he's out of his office but that might be a while so we wait.


After waiting for ages, he finally leaves his office so we both go inside and I show him the actual paper. 

Brooke : "Now do you believe me?"

All he does is nod is head. He thought about confronting him about it but I told him not to cause then he'll know that I or we went into his office just so we could get our hands on the paper. I don't want my brother to be but back in prison. I tell him that we'll wait but I am happy now that he knows the truth. 


Later he finally confronts him and they get into a huge fight, I just stand there and I don't say a word. I kinda felt like laughing cause it was funny seeing them fight about this.

Ok I started laughing and they told me to shut up so I did. Peter told Neal that he would be going to back to prison. They got into a pretty bad fight.

Brooke : "Why does he have to go back to prison? Your the one who used him and lied to him all these years, I mean if anyone should go to prison it should be you Peter. I mean I knew you used him but I just never said anything, I think you should be put in prison for what you did to Neal. I've always hated you and I always will but I can't believe you did that to someone who is caring , so sweet and who actually cared about you. I mean wow you actually used him just so you could put some criminals behind bars. I mean he was gonna get put back into prison but this time never released and you knew it. I mean sure he did some bad stuff, like bond forgery but come on he doesn't deserve this. I may hate him sometimes and I always said that I would rather him be put back in prison then be spending 4 years being your CI but I never actually meant it, I wanted him to be free and once he faked his death, he was free but just because you guys got into a fight, your putting him back in prison wow your such a bad guy Peter Burke and yes I always knew that but again I never said anything because I am a nice person and I know you hate me and ya know what I don't care. If I have to put you in cuffs myself I will cause you deserve to be put in prison! You deserve to be behind bars"

After saying what I had to say to Peter, I walk away. I hate him. Before leaving I tell Neal that we might have to leave New York but for now I'll see you at the apartment. 

I got so angry that I needed to go back to the apartment. I can't take it anymore but I have tried to like Peter for Neal but I couldn't because I knew something was up and I was right. I think Peter should be put in jail for what he did to Neal. I mean why does Neal have to go through this, I love him so much and I won't let anyone hurt him cause you can not hurt my big brother like that. This is why I wanted to take revenge on some of the girls he's dated like Kate and Rebecca, God I hated them. Sara is amazing and I love her to death and I also love Alex to death since me and her are best friends. Next time someone thinks of hurting Neal they'll have to get to me first cause No one gets to hurt my brother and I mean No one!

Brooklyn Amelia CaffreyWhere stories live. Discover now