She's officially 3 years old

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Brooklyn's pov

Baby girl is 3 years old today and she's growing up so fast! Today we were thinking on not having a get together but just having a day where it's just me, Neal, Wally and the birthday girl. Were gonna have a great time as a family, I was thinking on inviting dad and Ellen since they are family but I don't know if I'll do that but I guess I'll check with my brother to see what he thinks!

I came out of the room and I said to him "So I was think that dad and Ellen could come over but it's up to you"

He said "I'm fine with that"

I said "Ok good, I will give them a call in a little bit, I just have to wake up and then help the birthday girl get ready and then I'll call them"

I went over to the kitchen counter and got some coffee and I finally felt awake and the birthday girl finally woke up so I went into her room. I picked her up and held her, she was upset so I tried to calm her down before getting her ready for the day. After she calmed down I took her out to the table and sat her down in her high chair and wanted to get her something to eat before she gets dressed, I don't want her clothes getting dirty!  I got her some food and I let her eat and then I sat down at the table and I drank some more coffee, once she was done eating I took her back into her room and got her in her birthday outfit. 

She looked so adorable! We went into the bathroom and I did her hair to make her even more cute, I did her hair in little pigtails and she was looking so cute. She can speak a little bit and the only words that came out of her mouth was "Mommy, am I pretty?"

I said "Of course, your very pretty! You look like a princess"

She just giggles and I just kiss the top of her head and then we go back out into the kitchen area and I grab my phone and I call Dad and Ellen to see if they want to come over.

After what felt like forever they finally said yes and so I hung up and I said to Ellie "If you could have anything on your cake what would it be?"

She says "Princess!"

I said "Ok I will get you a princess cake, I'll be right back so you just stay here with Uncle Neal and I'll see you in a bit"

She said "Mommy, can I please come with you?"

I said "I wish you could but I want your cake to be a surprise so your gonna stay here and stay here with your Uncle and I'll be right back"

I went to walk out of the apartment when she started crying and said "Mommy!"

I stopped and turned around and I said "Ok, you can come with me but your uncle has to come with us and when we go to get your cake you are not allowed to look, ok?"

She smiled and said "Ok"

So me, Neal and her went together to get her cake. We got to the store and Neal and her went somewhere else so she wouldn't see it, I found the perfect cake and then I paid for it. I went to find them and when I did, they were laughing she was pointing to this princess doll and said "I want this, mommy!"

I laughed and said "Since it's your birthday I will get it for you"

She was so happy and I said "Is there anything else you want?"

She smiled and said "I want more dolls!"

I said "Ok, you will get more dolls then, how about you go with your Uncle Neal and I'll find some dolls for you"

Neal took her hand and they went somewhere else in the store, I was still in the aisle where the dolls were and I picked some more princess ones and then once I picked out more I went back to the check out and bought them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2023 ⏰

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