I'm not my father's son

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Brooklyn's Pov

Neal has been upset ever since he got a call from our dad. I don't know what dad said to him but whatever it was made my brother upset and I wasn't gonna take it. No one gets to hurt my big brother, not even our father. 

He was so upset that he wouldn't even talk to me. It really must be serious if he won't talk to me, his own sister. What did dad tell him that he's not his son or something cause if he did then that's not possible because me and Neal are twins so that must mean that I'm even my dad's daughter.

I just want Neal to say something and sure when we were little, I liked seeing him cry and upset but now I hate it, I want him to be happy and I will do whatever it takes to make him smile because that's what a good little sister would do.

I took out my phone and I called dad. He answered and I said "Dad, What the fuck did you tell him? You made him upset and he won't even talk to me"

He wouldn't say anything and I said "Dad! Say something, what did you tell Neal, please tell me!"

I actually started to break down because I couldn't take it anymore! Dad said "Brooke, what's wrong, honey are you ok?"

I said "No I'm not ok, I don't know what you said to Neal but I just want my brother to be ok but I don't even know what you said to him because he won't talk to me and you won't tell me and I think I'm going insane. I just want someone to tell me!"

I said again crying "Dad Tell Me!"

He just hung up and I think I started having a panic attack. I was under pressure and no one will tell me anything. I think I'm gonna explode!

I went over to him and he saw I was having one but he was too upset to care. I told myself that I was gonna be fine and it kinda helped and then I told him "Neal, I know you don't want to talk to me but if you don't then I can't help you and I want to help you"

He finally spoke to me and he said "If I'm not my father's son then what am I?"

I said "So he did tell you that your not his son, well then that would make me not his daughter

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I said "So he did tell you that your not his son, well then that would make me not his daughter. Look even if we were never related I would still call you my brother because you were there for me when no one else was and that's what brothers do. I mean you were the only one who didn't think I was invisible and you actually cared. Also you are so dad's son, ok so we got some of our features from mom but you wouldn't be a criminal if dad wasn't a "dirty cop" so there's that and look if dad can't love you then he he's not our father and we don't need a dad to be happy because we have each other. We're brother and sister and that means that I'll always be there for you but just because your upset doesn't mean you shouldn't talk to me because I can't help you if you don't tell me what's going on. I love you so much and your the best big brother anyone could ask for!"

I laughed and said "Also if we weren't related then that would mean I'm your female doppleganger"

I finally got to see a smile on my brother's face. He told me thanks for making him feel better and always being there for him.

 He told me thanks for making him feel better and always being there for him

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That's what sisters are for!

Brooklyn Amelia CaffreyWhere stories live. Discover now