Destroying his ties

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Brooklyn's pov

It's been months and everything was going ok, we haven't fought in like forever until today. Today was where everything went downhill.

I woke up today feeling amazing and Neal wasn't home so I just went into the kitchen and made myself some coffee then Alex came over and checked on me which was sweet of her. She then left and I just laid on the couch thinking on what to do next. I decided to make something to eat and I did and it was really good so then I thought about running myself a bath and that's what I did and it felt really good. Later I went into the bedroom to look at my jewelry and while looking through it, I saw that my one necklace is missing.

It was this very pretty necklace that Alex gave me and I was freaking out because it was missing. 

Neal finally gets home and I walk up to him and ask him "Have you seen my necklace?"

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Neal finally gets home and I walk up to him and ask him "Have you seen my necklace?"

He said "No, why?" I said "Because it's missing"

At first I shrugged it off and went back into our room and rested but then I hear Mozzie's voice so that means something is up. I spy on there conversation and Moz asks Neal "How'd the trade go?" Neal started saying how it went well and then Moz said "How much was the necklace?" 

I started to feel very angry because my necklace went missing and now I hear that he traded a necklace for something. I then go out there and I yell "Neal George Caffrey! So you didn't know where my necklace went when I asked you and now I overhear that you sold it without asking me first! I can't believe you would sell that"

He said "I only sold it cause it seems like you don't wear it" I said "Ok but when its a special occasion I do and Alex gave me that necklace Neal, that is why it is so special to me and now someone else has it ugh sometimes I wish we weren't brother and sister but again your Neal Caffrey and you never listen and you do things without asking so now someone I don't know has my necklace, did you ever think that, that person might be a criminal like you, no I bet you didn't, I am going to kill you for this!"

I then grab some scissors and I walk into the closet. Neal follows me cause he's scared on what I might do. I grab one of his ties and cut it in front of him.

He gets kinda angry and look me right in my eyes and says "That was my tie!"

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He gets kinda angry and look me right in my eyes and says "That was my tie!"

I said "Oh I'm sorry, you sold my favorite necklace and now your gonna pay for it!"

I then take a handful of ties out of the closet and then I grab some matches. I hold the match under the tie and he looks at me and says "Don't do it!" I then light the tie on fire and I watch it burn with a smile on my face.

I then take another tie and I stain it and I make sure the stain will never come out. Neal is pissed and I knew he would be, he then yells at me "GO TO YOUR ROOM!" 

I knew I would be grounded but he started it! I then yell "NO YOU CAN'T MAKE ME , I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT , YOU STARTED THIS NEAL SO SCREW THAT"

I pissed him off even more and he yelled "BROOKLYN AMELIA CAFFREY, GO TO YOUR ROOM!" 

I yelled back "NO!"

At this point he is really angry.

Ok I'll admit that yes I was scared but I wasn't gonna let him know that

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Ok I'll admit that yes I was scared but I wasn't gonna let him know that.

He then grabs my ear and it hurts really bad which makes me cry, he then drags me by my ear into our bedroom and then locks me in there. I get really upset and now I feel horrible.

Later he unlocks the door but when he walks in he looks so disappointed

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Later he unlocks the door but when he walks in he looks so disappointed.

Later he unlocks the door but when he walks in he looks so disappointed

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and angry.

He then walks out with a pillow and blanket and then locks the door again

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He then walks out with a pillow and blanket and then locks the door again. I just sit there against the door crying. I feel awful and he knows that but he's also trying to teach me a lesson. I should have never destroyed his ties!

Brooklyn Amelia CaffreyWhere stories live. Discover now