Meeting Alex again

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Brooklyn's Pov

After everything that happened, it was the next day and Decided to go back to the coffee shop where me and Alex met up. I just wanted to see my best friend again. So I entered through the doors of the small place and immediately saw my best friend at the counter. She looked pretty like always. "Hey Alex" I say to her as she turned around. "Hey!" She said as she smiled. I walked over to her and she gave me a quick hug and I did the same before pulling away. "What are you doing here?" She asked with a smile still on her face. "Just felt like getting some coffee and seeing you again" I say while being a little sad. "What's wrong Brooke?" Alex asks me "Just been trying to help out a friend who lost her Husband and it makes me sad seeing her sad so it's been something but I've been ok also I need to show you something and let's just say Neal doesn't know about this" Alex then nodded.

So Yesterday I woke up to a noise in the kitchen and when I went out there, Neal was dancing to music and I started laughing and I got my phone out and started recording him and then I said "Wow your so embarrassing" he replied with "Did you just fucking record that?" I then said "Yeah but what are you gonna do about it?" He then replies "Brooke delete it!" I then say "Ok but you have to get me first" and I run out of the apartment and outside and I say "Catch me if you can" He then catches me and I told him "fine I'll delete it" but I made a copy of it before I deleted the original video. "What I'm trying to say is do you want to see it, He wasn't wearing anything except a shirt which makes it even funnier" I ask Alex
She nods so I show her the video.
We both sit there with our coffee in hand while laughing.

"I thought you were gonna delete it?" A voice says that is coming from behind me
"Neal I'm your sister and you should know me better, you know I wasn't gonna delete it without making a copy" I say
I just laugh it off.
"Whatever" He says walking away from our table
Me and Alex just look at each other and laugh at him.
"I can't believe you got that on video" Alex says
"He was doing something stupid and I had to record it" I reply laughing

She nods and we start laughing about it once more before getting serious and sitting there in silence. I then see Sara walk in. I haven't seen her in awhile. "Oh hey!" I say to Sara Sara then walks towards us and gives me a hug and then looks at Alex before speaking. "It's good to see you again Brooke" Sara says. I nod. 

"You too" I respond 

"How's Neal?" She asked me 

"He's great" I answered smiling. Then Sara speaks to Alex and they both talk about how Neal is doing for the last few months Afterwards I noticed that Sara was leaving the shop so I called after her. "I'll catch up with you later bestie" I said to Sara "OK I'll be by soon" she said as she walked out and I waved goodbye. "Who was that?" Alex asked "That was Sara, she used to be one of Neal's girlfriends I said sighing. 

"Really? How long ago was it?" She asked me "Uh 3 years ago now" I said as I sighed. "Well I guess they were happy together" She said smiling. I just shrugged. "Anyway I should probably head home I think I'll catch up with them tomorrow though" I added. "Ok see ya" I get back to the apartment and Neal's just sitting on the couch. "Hey bro what's up?" I ask him "Nothing much, I'm kinda tired" He responded 

 "Ok well I'm going to bed, you should go to bed too" I replied before leaving. A couple hours later I woke up to someone knocking on the apartment door and decided to check it out. When I opened the door I was surprised to see Sara standing there. "Sup bestie?" I say as I open the door further and invited her in. "Haha funny" she responded sarcastically. "Sorry" I said laughing slightly "So how come you're here?" I asked her looking at her curiously. "Um I came to see Neal of course." She responded with an awkward tone. I laughed lightly. "Of course" I joked. "I really miss him" she said as tears appeared in her eyes. 

I felt bad for her. "Hey you don't have to cry, its alright" I said hugging her. Her arms wrapped themselves around me. I pulled away after a while. "You okay?" I asked her worriedly. She sniffed and took deep breaths before nodding. I hugged her again and she returned the gesture. We stayed like that for a while until Sara finally let go. 

"Sorry again" she said as she wiped her eyes "It's ok but you only came here to see your ex boyfriend" I said joking "Yeah I really needed to see him" "Well he's still sleeping so you'll have to wait until he wakes up" "Ok sure" she said with a small smile. I then headed to the kitchen and made some coffee for everyone. Sometime later I heard someone yell my name. "Yeah?" I replied. "Brooke? Is everything okay?" Neal shouted from the room. "I think I just need some water" I responded back to him. "Alright I'm coming" When he came out of the room, he saw Sara and things got awkward. 

I just looked at him and her and then went back to working on the coffee. "So what's up with you guys" Neal asked Sara "Just missed you that's all" She responded with a smile Neal seemed to be a bit uncomfortable with her answer. "Right yeah" he said awkwardly. I just kept focused on what I was doing. I didn't know what happened between him and her but whatever happened it must've been big enough for them to break up. After awhile I put the coffee into four mugs and grabbed some plates and cutlery. 

I then carried the plate over to the others and set it down on the table along with forks and knives. "Thanks sis" Neal says "Your welcome" I say back Later after we eat and have coffee I go back into our room and get changed. I come back out and they are jumping up and down and hugging each other and kissing. "What's going on?" I ask them. "We're back together" Sara answers. "right" Neal responds. "Isn't it exciting" She adds. "Yeah sure" I say to both of them
She leaves and Neal starts telling me how he wants to marry her but I say "You guys just got back together" "You want me to be happy right?" Neal says
"Yeah of course but maybe wait a month and then you ask her to marry you"
"Ok fine"
"Thank you"
I go over to the couch just so I can lay down, getting pretty tired. Later a month passes and he's going to ask Sara to marry him. 

I'm happy for the both of them. She comes over and right as she opens the door, Neal is down on one knee. She seems surprised by this but runs into his arms and says yes right away.
All I can do is smile, I am happy for my brother and Sara. They make a happy couple.

Brooklyn Amelia CaffreyWhere stories live. Discover now