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Brooklyn's pov

So I'm all alone and that's ok cause I'd rather be alone. No I'd rather be with someone but Neal's mad at me so I can't really go back there. I'm gonna go to the only place where I know someone really loves me.

I arrive at El's house.

El : "Brooke what are you doing here?"

Brooke : "Well Neal got mad at me so I left and came here cause I know you love me"

El : "Did you do something to upset him"

Brooke : "Yes but I was hoping he wouldn't get mad at me"

El : "What did you do?"

Brooke : "I told him a secret that I've been keeping from him since we were kids and I think that was a bad idea"

El : "Oh ok well you should go find him and tell him your sorry"

Brooke : "I don't know where he is"

El : "Well go find him, did you tell him to go anywhere"

Brooke  : "Well I told him to go to our old family home to go find his gifts he never got"

El : "Then that's where you should look first, now go"

Brooke : "Ok thanks"


I go to our old family home and I find Neal looking for the suitcase.

He remembers that I told him that I put it under my bed.

I go with him.

Neal : "I thought you said you put it under your bed"

Brooke : "I did, when we were little I put it under my bed so you would never find it and I guess I did a good job"

Neal : "Where is it?"

Brooke : "I don't know maybe dad found it when he came back here, I put it under my bed so I don't know where it would have gone"

Brooke : "Ok wait! I think it might be at the apartment, I saw a suitcase in your room and I think Dad put it in there when he came over"

We go all the way back to the apartment and I was right, the suitcase was in his room. How have I never realized it.

Brooke : "Ok Merry late Christmas Neal"

He opens the suitcase and all of his wrapped old gifts are in there. They look really old and I feel really bad for doing this to him when we were little but I wanted him to feel what it's like not to be loved since I felt that way every day.

Even though he got his gifts, he still wasn't happy and I get it. I hid them from him and sure it made me feel great but I never knew how it would make him feel and now I feel really really bad. When he found out as a child that he didn't get anything, he cried and all I did was smile but now he's older and he has the gifts that he wanted as a little boy and now I think I ruined his life. I'm the worst.

Brooke : "Alright, I'm gonna go. I clearly need to get out of your life so that's what I'm gonna do, I ruined your life and I'm sorry for being such an awful sister so bye Neal"

I'm about to leave when he tells me to wait.

He says that I didn't ruin his life and that he loves me so much. I love him too cause he's the only brother I've got. I stay cause If I walk out that door I'll make him sad and I don't want him to be upset. If I was still a kid,I would totally love seeing him cry but I am a grown adult and upsetting him is my worst nightmare.

I love him and always will

Brooklyn Amelia CaffreyWhere stories live. Discover now