A Twin Birthday Party

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Brooklyn's Pov

Today is me and Neal's Birthday! Not my favorite day but the only reason I'm gonna celebrate it is because of my brother since I love him so much. So I guess Neal looked at my phone because he heard it go off and the only reason I say that is because I woke up and saw him on my phone, looking at it and he looked like he just got up from bed.

 So I guess Neal looked at my phone because he heard it go off and the only reason I say that is because I woke up and saw him on my phone, looking at it and he looked like he just got up from bed

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I yawned and said "Neal! Why are you looking at my phone?"

I then realized that I guess his gift came. He said "Brooke, You really got this for me!"

I said "Yeah because I love you, your such a good big brother and you really deserve it!"

He did deserve it, I just wish he didn't know about it but I would have done the same.

So hours pass and I was in our room sitting on the bed when Neal came in with a single candle on top of a cupcake.

I looked at him and smiled and he said "Just like old times!"

I looked at him and smiled and he said "Just like old times!"

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He then said "Make a wish"

I blowed out the candle and said "What about you? It's your birthday too Neal!"

I then took the cupcake and the lighter from him and went to light the candle again and then he said "Please be careful"

I said "To the guy who burned himself when we were little, yeah I'll be careful"

He said "It was an accident!"

I said "I know but you still were little lighting a candle without mom and dad around"

I lit the candle and held it out in front of him and said "Make a wish"

He blew out the candle and then he stuck his hand out in front of me and said "I have something for you"

I said "Neal, if it's some type of party then count me out! I love you but I hate my birthday and I especially hate birthday parties"

He said "Oh just come on, it'll be fun"

I said "There's a reason why I hate birthday parties and my birthday is because mom and dad always celebrated yours but not mine and we share a birthday, we're twins! Like I remember when it was your 3rd birthday party and I got angry because they were giving you all the attention and so I tried to ruin it but when you cried and told mom and dad that I did it, no one believed you because oh their daughter never existed! I felt so useless and like I was a disgrace to our family and like I was never loved by anyone, you can go celebrate your birthday but I'm not coming out there"

He looked at me kinda like he was angry but I know he wasn't. He just sighed.

He said "It's your birthday too"

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He said "It's your birthday too"

I said "Ok, I don't care! I don't care that were twins and I don't want to celebrate our birthday, I already blew out the stupid candle only because I love you but big brother I will not go out there and have fun"

He told me that dad was here and I said "I don't care!"

He said "I thought you and dad made up?"

I said "Maybe we haven't, I never liked my birthday because of him and mom. He never acted like I was there and it was supposed to be our party but no you got all the gifts and cake while I just stood there feeling bad about myself! Again I tried to ruin it but I failed, I hated seeing you get all the attention and you got to open gifts and have cake while I didn't and now is not gonna be the start so I'm sorry Neal but I'm never gonna celebrate our birthday!"

I knocked the cupcake out of his hand and I put my face into my pillow and cried. All those memories were coming back and I couldn't do anything to stop them. I wish I could redo my childhood but I can't and now all the memories I have of my childhood are bad. I had a really bad childhood and I was invisible to almost everyone except for Neal. My big brother is the only one who loved me but I hated seeing him happy. As a child I tried to ruin everything for him. I ruined Christmas and like I said before I tried to ruin his 3rd birthday party. But he still got all the attention! I was just a little girl standing there wondering when it was gonna be my turn but it never happened and it never will. My mom is dead and sure I have my dad but it's not a enough. Ellen is dead and she was just like my parents. I was never good enough at anything and for anyone.

It sucks when your brother is everyone's favorite and your just, no one. I mean he was good at everything and that's why everyone loved him, that's why he got all the attention. Everyone loves Neal Caffrey but I'm just his little sister, again I'm nobody! It sucks to be the outcast of the family, no one ever loves you except for your sibling and then you try to ruin everything for your sibling but it doesn't work. You think that will get you attention but it doesn't work. It'll never work! You'll always be invisible to everyone around you and you'll always be the disgrace that you were to your family. You'll never be good enough! No I'm just poor little Brooklyn Caffrey, I'm just a ghost and no one will ever love me!

No one ever has and ever will. It's like playing sports and being the person who has to sit on the bench while your teammates play. It's like your in a dark room and your trying to find your way out but you just get lost. To me it's like I'm playing hide and seek but I'm the one who never gets found. I mean even when we were in witness protection, I was never there. I don't matter to anyone, I'm not even allowed to see my own neice and my one friend hates me and my other friend I'm sure is gone and is never gonna talk to me ever again. My mom is dead and Ellen is dead. I wish I could have just redid my childhood and make things right but I'm stuck like this and I'll always be the little girl who should have never been born on March 21st 1977. Mom should have had him and not me. I wish mom had a miscarriage when she was pregnant with us and I was the one that died.

Life would be so much better without me and sure Neal would disagree because I'm his little sister and he loves me but it's true. I should run away and never come back, he's definitely better without me!

Happy birthday to me! You wanna know what I wished for, I wished that I was never born. Hope it comes true!

Brooklyn Amelia CaffreyWhere stories live. Discover now