Almost running away/ Apologizing to Sara

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Brooklyn's Pov

Yesterday was awful and I can't even look Sara in the eyes. I thought about running away but Mozzie and Neal are so overprotective that they would do anything to stop me and sure yes I love both of them but they can't always protect me from everything. Like yes I get it, it's Neal's job to protect me since he's the oldest and I'm the only sister he has but I'm old enough that I can protect myself. 

I'm in my room packing my bags cause I'm running away and there is nothing Mozzie or Neal can do to stop me. As I'm packing my bags Neal comes in, He sees me packing and he tries to tell me to stay because running away isn't gonna make anything better. I get so upset that I start crying, like Sara made me feel horrible and yes I know that running away isn't gonna solve my problems but I just can't leave in the same house as her. Neal tries to calm me down and Yes he's a good big brother but I don't feel like I'm ready to calm down so I push him out of the way and I take my bag and I walk downstairs and out of the house. Neal stops me before I can even make it far enough and I yell at him to let me go cause I am tired of people treating me like I don't matter. Like I had someone who was mean to me and he would always call me this certain name and I tried to get used to it but every I saw him he would do over and over again and I wanted to lash out but never did. He was someone who worked with my brother when he worked for the FBI. I'm just glad I never have to see his guy ever again, anyway I walk away from Neal and he tells me to wait. I don't listen, like I get it I'm your baby sister and your trying to take care of me since he's always been the one to take care of since I always was invisible to my parents or to anyone apart of our family. I don't want it to seem like I'm pushing him away but I just want them to let me go and so I can be on my own and start my own journey. I didn't even get far, I was sitting on a bench sobbing, trying to tell myself that your better off living with your brother because who's gonna take care of you now, you have no one. I don't even have a boyfriend or I won't. I'm thinking of breaking up with him so we can stay friends because of Sara. I don't even think I can tell her the truth about how I know she was talking about me and Moz behind our backs, I love her and I always will cause she's my sister even if were not blood related. We have a sisterly bond that will never be broken and no matter what we will always be sisters. 

So after thinking about everything I go back to the house and Neal runs right into my arms and I hug him back. I start crying again and I tell him that I'm sorry for trying to run away. I go and find Sara and I tell her that I know about the talking behind our backs thing and she tells me how sorry she is and I tell her I forgive her but if she ever does anything like that again I will not be so forgiving next time.

I go upstairs and in my room and I lay there staring at the ceiling and that's when Neal comes in to check on me.

I tell him that I feel so much better and that he doesn't have to worry about me, I'm gonna be ok. We hug and then he walks out and I just lay back down on my bed and I stay like this for a bit before going back downstairs. I'm just glad I have people who really care about me. I'm also glad I have an awesome big brother who will never leave my side no matter what. Neal loves me and I love him and I also love Sara. I have the greatest family ever! 

Brooklyn Amelia CaffreyWhere stories live. Discover now