Dating Moz

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Author's note

I want to dedicate this to @Trin-reads-a-lot , she is such an amazing friend and I love her to death and I wanted to put her in this and there is a whole story that is coming out for her. Shh! Don't say anything. Haha well oops, guess she already knows. Go read her story, she made on for The Outsiders where I am Pony's sister and her bestie, it's really good. Love you Bestie!

Brooklyn's Pov 

It's been a crazy day,Sara's still upset because of what she said to her daughter. I keep trying to comfort her but it doesn't seem to be working. She does love that Jess is back home but she's still sad and Jess is still grumpy and sassy. 

Jess finally came downstairs but then Neal said something to her and that made her even more mad. I looked at my brother and said "Really Neal! Why would you say that to her, She now is never gonna be happy again so thanks for that" He looks at me and seems pretty upset that he just messed up. I just put my hand on my forehead and sigh. Someone knocked on the house door so I go and answer it, it's Moz. 

It's been awhile since I saw him. He has brought someone with him. He says that it's his sister Trinity. She seems pretty nice. We introduce ourselves and a few mins later we become friends. She's been over every day and I love having her over. One day she didn't come over and Mozzie did so at least I got to see my other bestie. 

Sara left with Jess so I haven't seen my niece all day. It's just been me, Neal and Mozzie. Later it's about 7:00 pm and Sara and Jess still haven't came home so it's still me, My brother, and my best friend and I started to get tired. I wanted to wait Sara and Jess to get home but I don't think I can. Me and Moz ended up sitting on the couch watching a movie. I ended up falling asleep with my head on his lap. He just smiled down at me and stroked my hair.

 I don't like Mozzie more then a friend but I guess I couldn't help but fall asleep right on his lap. I love him but just as a friend and that's it, I met him when Neal met him and we have been friends ever since. When I went away I missed him, I didn't miss Neal so much because ya know but when I finally decided to see him that day when I was brought in to see Peter. I missed Neal so much. I knew he was working for him but I couldn't walk right in, I had to get brought in. So I tried to steal something that was worth something but failed because even though I'm a Caffrey I'll never be as good as Neal, He's good at everything and I'm not. Ok back to what I was saying about Mozzie and me. I can tell that Neal saw this and I hope he doesn't think that me and Moz are dating. Eww I don't think of him that way, We're just friends. 

I should wake up but I can't, I'm sound asleep. If Sara and Jess come home or if Trinity comes walking in they are gonna think the same thing. Wake up Brooke, Wake up. I keep telling my brain to wake me up but nope I stay sleeping.

Later I wake up and I see Sara, Neal,Jess, and Trin standing there.
They def think I'm dating Moz.
"Guys Me and Moz aren't dating!" I say
"It looked like it" Jess said
"Sure I fell asleep on his lap but that doesn't mean a thing"
"Me and Brooke aren't dating" Moz tells everyone
"So stop thinking it!" I say back
I go back upstairs and into my bedroom.

I lay on my bed and stare at the ceiling. To be honest I like him more than a friend but I just can't admit it to him. Maybe he likes me back but I guess I'll never know.
*Knock Knock* I get up and open my bedroom door.
It's Moz!
"Hey!" He tells me
"Hey, I ...." I reply but before I could finish my sentence he kisses me.
"I'm sorry" He says
"No it's ok, I just never thought you felt the same way"
"We shouldn't tell Neal or Sara"
"Yeah let's keep it a secret"
We start dating but we don't tell any family cause they would think it's weird. Can't believe i'm dating my best friend!

Brooklyn Amelia CaffreyWhere stories live. Discover now