Chapter 39

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A Week Later.

Amelia's POV

I was sitting in the living room, watching Frozen. Sarah said its a great movie.

"Its a good movie." Grayson said, sitting down beside me.

"Yeah. Because the queen and the princess are independent." I agreed. He nodded his head.

"Fuck you, Hans." I gritted. "He broke her heart."

"Yeah." Grayson said, glancing at me then at the screen again.

"And Kristoff left too." I said sadly.

"Just wait." He said, shushing me.

I watched the movie with full concentration.

"See the difference and similarities." Grayson suddenly asked, when the movie came to an end.

"What?" I asked. He sighed and turned to me.

"She was attracted to Hans. He broke her heart. Being attracted doesn't mean you love that person. When you love someone, you help them whenever they need, you get worried for them and support them, like Kristoff did. He didn't express his feelings to her because he knew she loved someone else and was happy with them. She 'thought' she loved Hans and was happy with him." He said, airing quotations while saying thought.

"I know you're punishing yourself, Amelia and you're hiding a lot of pain inside. But attraction is not love." He said while caressing my cheek.

There really are so many similarities. I was attracted to Josh. But it wasn't love. Love is when you care for someone and stand by their side. Its when you can sacrifice anything for them, even if it means hiding your own love for them.

'If you truly love someone, I won't say anything.'

'I like someone, but I don't know how to express it to her.'

Ugh. Stop overthinking


Third POV.

A week has passed and Amelia has gone to the bar almost everyday. Jace tried his best to stop her. She just casually walks into Jace's room, drunk out of her mind. Jace deletes the footage everyday.

She'll be in huge trouble, if Lorenzo found out. He knows Lorenzo will finally break and start being too strict with her, if he found out.

Jace was just worried, she would punish herself more, if she saw Lorenzo being disappointed in her.

Amelia doesn't listen. She overthinks, then just sneaks out to get drunk, without thinking about the consequences. How ironical.

Jace has threatened to tell Lorenzo, but she still keeps doing it. He tried staying in her room, one night and keeping an eye on her. She knocked him out and sneaked out nonetheless.

Currently, she was walking downstairs to the kitchen, listening to music, lost in her own world.

She was walking down the stairs when she saw Lorenzo and Damon enter through the front door.

Her breathing hitched and her heart started racing. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead and she started shaking.

She was still questioning why she was so scared.

She just stood there, frozen.

Ryan Brown. In her house. Where she thought she was safe. With her brothers.

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