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Warnings: Just Grian being a sad boi because he got dumped

Relationship: Grian/Scar


Grian was sitting on the couch eating oreo thin mints when Xisuma texted him.

With a mouth full of oreos, he groaned, "Ugh, what does Suma want? I'm busy stuffing my sorrows in mint and chocolate."

<Xisuma> G, I need you

<Grian> Why?

<Xisuma> I just do

<Grian> I'm busy

<Xisuma> Doing what?!

<Grian> Drowning my sorrows in mint and chocolate.

<Xisuma> This child. Just come to the Community Nether portal.

<Grian> No, if you want my attention, come hunt me down.

After that, Grian appeared on the ground in front of the Nether Portal. He looked at Xisuma with a 'seriously' look.


"You can't stay in bed all day." Xisuma scolded, pulling the hermit to his feet, "Being dumped by Doc isn't the end of the world."

"I don't care."

Xisuma started dragging Grian towards the portal, but he went dead weight on the taller man, "Are you serious?"

"I told you I'm not going anywhere."

Xisuma groaned loudly and grabbed Grian by his shirt and began dragging him, struggling as he did. On the other side of the portal, Grian still refused to stand up and move. Xisuma finally had enough and shoved Grian over the edge then watched him fly above the lava.

"I hate you." Grian responded when he landed, "You got me standing now what do you want?"

Xisuma smirked, "Follow."

Grin sighed and walked with Xisuma to his bases portal. 


When they reached Xisuma's base, Grian noticed Doc and a couple other hermits in the room.

"What's all this?"

"Doc has something to say." Xisuma said walking behind the cyborg, "Isn't that right, Doc?"

Doc only crossed his arms and huffed. Xisuma hit him over the head, "Fine. Grian, I'm sorry."

"For what?" The hermits heard Xisuma growled, "Tell him."

"I'm sorry for dropping you in the cold water while you were sleeping."

Xisuma hit him again.

"Ugh, you're impossible X." Doc groaned, then sighed, "I'm sorry I dumped you over a glass."

"Are you serious?" Grian replied in disbelief, "You're apologizing out of fright of Xisuma killing you? A little low man. I'm leaving."

Xisuma pressed a button that dropped Grian and Doc in a hole, "You guys aren't going anywhere until you guys make amends."

The top to the hole was closed, Grian watched as the light dimmed out, "I'm gonna kill him."

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