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Warnings: Injury, Implied Blood, Child Neglect, Gangs, Hospitals

Relationship; Grian/Sam (Toxic), Grian/X/Pearl (Siblings)

Additional tags; Deaged - Aged Grian, Deaged - Aged X & Pearl


Grian wasn't always happy in the home he grew up in. While his mother was pregnant with him still, she had tried to make sure he wasn't a mutant like Xisuma. But he wasn't, and when he was born, he was a preemie baby. He was ignored by his mother for that reason, which is also why he and his sister Pearl were close in age.

~Grian: Age 7 Months~

The time was about three AM when Xisuma heard Grian basically scream crying in the other room. He went to his mothers room and opened the door.

"Mum, the baby's crying!"

"Why should I take care of him?"

"He's your son!"

"He's a mutant."

Xisuma sighed annoyed and went to the baby's room. He found his baby brother in a drawer instead of his crib. After a while of making sure Grian was fed, Xisuma put Grian's pacifier in and walked out quietly.

When Grian turned one, he started walking. When he turned two, he began talking. 

~Grian: Age 5~

Xisuma was tucking Grian into bed, Grian looked up at Xisuma into his purple eyes, "Why does mummy hate me? What did I do?"

"Gri, mum doesn't hate you."

"Yes she does! She doesn't even give me the time of day!"


"No! She hates me and I just know it! I've seen the way she looks at you and Pearl! She adores you two!"

Xisuma looked guilty as he avoided eye contact, "Just... Get some sleep, little brother. Okay?" He walked out and shut the door. He could hear Grian's muffled tears as he knew his mother hated him.

~Grian age 8~

"Hey Suma? Can I play with you?"

"Not now Gri. Tomorrow." Xisuma said, pushing Grian away, "We'll play tomorrow."

Grian asked again the next day and X once again said no. Grian asked the day after, and Xisuma said yes, solely because he had a game then that the both of them could play that was suitable for Grian's age group.

~Grian: Age 14~

Grian had gotten into a gang fight in Yandere and had his throat slit by his boyfriend. He spent weeks in the hospital while he healed. He was forced to go back home to his mother.

When he was in the later years of high school, he was the most near perfect student. Great grades, no absences, no tardies, always quiet. Every time a report card would come home, his mother would shred his and only pay attention to Xisuma and Pearl's.

One night, he walked into the living room with his backpack on his shoulder. He'd just gotten home from a late meeting with one of his clubs. He immediately knew he was heard walking in because his mother started speaking louder.

"X, Pearl, you make your mother proud with your good grades. It's something that your brother can't accomplish!"

He was in the doorway when he heard that. He wanted some food from the kitchen, but sighed and decided against it as he walked up to his room.

Xisuma and Pearl both looked at each other, "Mum, you don't have to hate on Grian this much! He's never done anything wrong!"

"He's gotten into gang fights, he is far from innocent."

"But he's your son!"

"He's a Premature Mutant. He's not a son of mine."

Xisuma rolled his eyes, shaking his head. He got up and went to Grian's room.

"Gri?" It was quiet inside, he knocked twice more, "Grian, open the door, please? It's just me." Xisuma sighed and opened the door and saw Grian at his desk working on homework.

"What do you want, X?" Grian groaned, "Don't you have to be mum's best little friend?"


"Get. Out."

Xisuma left.

~Grian: Age 17~

"Congrats on your world Xisuma!" The boy's mother said, "It's something your brother hasn't been able to experience correctly."

"Mum, you can't talk like that. Grian's a victim!"

"He lived, didn't he?"

"He almost died!"

Grian looked down and rubbed his neck scar as he listened behind the corner. He went out the back door after grabbing his keys and drove away. He drove until he wasn't upset anymore. But his car had ran out of petrol and he went to pump more.

As he was pulling away from the pumps, he heard what sounded like gunshots then his world went black.


Grian awoke several hours later in the hospital. His sister and brother both by his side.

"You okay brother?" Pearl asked softly, "You were hit pretty bad."

Grian couldn't find it in his voice to speak, but his eyes filled with pain fueled tears and weakly nodded.

Xisuma spoke next, "Grian, I'm just happy you're alive."

Grian lifted his hand and spelled 'mum' in sign language.

"She... She didn't wanna come. She said, 'Tell that premature mutant that he shouldn't have been out anyway.' I'm sorry Gri." Xisuma wiped away his brother's tears, Grian grabbed his hand.

"Thank you..." He mumbled, before falling asleep.

When he was clear for release, he was told to go with Xisuma to season six of Hermitcraft.

Hermitcraft One-Shots Book 2Where stories live. Discover now