The DUMBwaiter

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Warnings: Panic, Mild Swearing

Relationship: Grian/Xisuma/Pearl (Siblings)

Extra: Grian was born Premature, Deaged to 3 years old.


Grian, being born as a premature baby, was under strict supervision when he was able to crawl. He was never left alone, he always had one of the hermits with him. But it was primarily his eldest brother, Xisuma.

Today however, Grian decided to play in the dumbwaiter, thinking everyone would know where he was. Since he was tiny, he could get places where the others necessarily couldn't.


Xisuma was just getting back from the store and walked into the room where he thought Grian was, "Uh..." He then called out to Pearl who was in the other room, "Pearl? Is Grian with you?"

"No, I thought he was with you!" Pearl called back, "Why?"

Xisuma swore under his breath, "Grab Doc and Iskall, Grian's missing."

<Xisuma> Grian's missing. All hands on deck!

<Doc> On my way.

<Iskall> This is why I told you to give the kid a phone.


<Iskall> And you lost your premature baby brother.

<Xisuma> Shut up.

Xisuma ran outside the hermit mansion and started calling for Grian, "Dammit Grian! Where are you!?"

It took them hours before they reconvened, "Any luck?" 

A unanimous 'No' came from the group.

Suddenly, the group heard something like a purr, or a snore rather, coming from the dumbwaiter nearby. Xisuma pointed to the waiter's door, "Did anyone check the dumbwaiter?"

Once more, a unanimous no. Xisuma ran over and opened the door, it creaked loudly, surprising the small child inside awake. Xisuma sighed in relief, picked Grian up and looked at the hermits, "Well... Shall we get a tracking band for this kid?"

"What's going on?" Grian squeaked, "I'm confused."

"Nothing, Gri..." Xisuma whispered, "Nothing..."

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