Happy Little 'Trees'

452 13 4

Warnings: Blood, Lies

Relationship: Grian/Xisuma (Fatherly)

Extra: Police Officer Xisuma, Deaged Grian


Xisuma had to take an overnight shift, and with no hermit to watch little six year old Grian, he left him over at a twenty-four hour day care. From there, he went on with his shift hoping everything was normal.

It was only three AM when he heard radio chatter then a call on his cell phone.


"Uh.. Yeah, Xisuma Void?"

"Yeah? You sound panicked?"

"Yeah... It's Sam from Gladiator's Day Care... Grian had a little accident..."

"What happeed?"

"He was flying around and hit a tree."

"He hits trees all the time. What happened?"

"He just hit the tree hard. Hurt his head..."

Xisuma was about to say something when his radio chatter called in, "7-Adam-45, please report to County General."

He put the call on mute, "7-Adam-45, what's going on dispatch?"

"Your kid was hurt in the daycare. We believe assault had happened."

Xisuma hummed, "Show me responding." He went back to the call, "Yeah. Understood. I'm headed to hospital now."

He heard Sam swear on the other line then an abrupt ended call. He turned on his siren and rushed to the hospital. He got there just in time to see Grian being rolled in under a bloodied sheet.

"What the hell?!" He shouted, running inside and immediately speaking with nurses, "What's going on?"

"We got a call about a little boy receiving head trauma at a local day care."

"That's my kid." Xisuma crossed his arms, "Where's he being taken?"

"A surgery room where you can watch his surgery."

"I don't need to watch his surgery! I need to know what happened to him."

"Well I'm not the one to ask. I'll ask one of the doctors. Stay here."

"I don't have anywhere else to be."

Ten minutes later, the nurse came back out, "Officers on scene said that Mr. Gladiator's statement was that he hit a tree. But the gash in his head said otherwise."


"There was a small, but deep wound on the side of his head as if he was hit with a blunt object." She handed Xisuma pictures of the wound, "They-"

"They're bat or lead pipe hits. I want charges pressed and Mr. Gladiator arrested."

"I'll inform the responding officers."

An hour later, Xisuma was able to see Grian. The room he was in had bright colours and little animals painted on the walls. Xisuma paid no attention to it, only on Grian who was sound asleep in the bed. He rubbed the young child's cheek with the back of his fingers.

Grian slowly woke up and looked towards Xisuma, "Hi -uma."

"Hey buddy." Xisuma said with a smile, "How you feeling?"


"I bet..."

He wanted to wait until Grian had a better hold on reality to ask him what really happened.

But when he took him home, and two days after he did, Grian collapsed in his room and Xisuma called medical hermits up and Keralis was right there.

Keralis walked out of Grian's room, quietly shutting the bedroom door behind him.

"How's Grian?" Xisuma asked, "Is... Is he okay?"

Keralis smiled at the concerned father, "Little baby Brian will be fine. His little assault just has him extremely tired. He's a sleepy baby."

Xisuma chuckled, "Okay.."

"He's asleep, so if you'd like, you can just watch him. Y'know, like you always do Shiswammy."

"Thanks, K."

"Call me if you need anything."

"I will."

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