Under Storm

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Warnings: Theft for experimentation, Curses, Looks of sickness

Relationship: Grian/Zed


Grian was walking with Pearl when suddenly he felt a strong sense of weakness. He gasped and fell to his knees.

"Grian! You okay mate?"

"I..." Grian gasped and put his hand on his forehead, "I suddenly don't feel well..."

"C'mon." Pearl picked Grian up and put his arm around her shoulder as she started walking him to her base, "Let's get you to a bed."

Once he was laid in the bed, he started shivering. Pearl put two comforters over his body, and Grian stopped shaking. She texted Xisuma;

<Pearl> Ey yo, you know what's going on with Grian?

<Xisuma> Uh... No?

<Pearl> He just suddenly collapsed while we were walking.

<Pearl> He's asleep in my base. He was freezing and now I don't know if he's okay or if something's going on.

<Xisuma> I'm on my way.


Zedaph was throwing potion ingredients into a cauldron.

Three redstone dust

Four gunpowder

Five Glowstone

 One part poisonous spider eye

That's odd... Zed thought, Why need a spider eye for a love Binding spell?

He shrugged it off and put the ingredients in. The mixture created a large black cloud. He knew the spell attached itself to the nearest Watcher, which was always Grian because he was the only one.

The only problem.... It wasn't a binding spell that he assumed was for love. It was a Binding Curse to the most deadly illness a Watcher could get. But Zedaph didn't read Galactic, he went from pictures.

He didn't know that he was actually harming Grian.


"Mum.... Dad..."

"Grian?" Pearl mumbled, stopping her pacing for a brief moment. She walked over and lightly shook Grian, "Gri? Hey, speak to me..."

"They... Dead... All dead... Fire, fire everywhere..." Grian babbled, "H-Hot... T-Too h-hot..."

Pearl took off one of the blankets just as Xisuma flew in, "Pearl, what's going on?"

"I don't know.." Pearl dabbed a cold wet cloth on Grian's forehead, "He just started babbling something about fire, death, an-"

"And his parents?" Xisuma interrupted quickly, Pearl nodded, "I know what's going on, but I need his book."

"What's happening?"

"He's got a Watcher curse on him, I don't know who put it on him."

"Your point?"

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