2. blake

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Blake's POV:
While we were shooting around in practice, the door opened and a woman walked in. She was fairly young, but I've never seen her before. Maybe she's someone's sister or niece.

I saw Doc go over to her and they talked for a while before he called us over. The closer I got to her, I could see how pretty she really was. Pretty brown eyes, nice smile and dimples. Damn. I bet she's only a kid though.

"Guys, this is Alexandra Simmons. She's our new athletic trainer," Doc introduced her.


We all said hello and everyone went back on the court except Matt, DJ and I. We introduced ourselves and when she shook my hand, I didn't wanna let go.

"Nice to meet y'all, but y'all should probably get back to practice before coach starts yellin'."

Matt & DJ jogged back on the court, but I stayed there until Doc called me out for flirting.

"I guess I'll see you around," I said, backing away slowly.

"I guess you will."

I went back on the court with the guys and continued with practice, occasionally glancing at Alexandra from time to time.


"The new trainer is fine as hell," DJ said, dribbling the ball.

For some reason, the three of us stayed after practice. Probably so Matt & DJ could gawk at Alexandra some more.

"She's alright," I lied.

The ball Matt was about to shoot fell out of his hands, and DJ looked at me with a smile of disbelief.

"What do you mean 'she's alright?' Did you see her?" Matt asked.

"She's not really my type," I lied again.

"What's not your type, Blake?" DJ chuckled, "tall & beautiful?"

"She sure looked like your type when you were over there staring at her," Matt smirked.

When did this turn into "Gang Up on Blake Day?"

"Okay, ya know what, can we just go?" I asked.

They laughed and threw their hands up in defeat as we walked out of the facility. Alexandra left the same time we did, so we caught her outside before she got in her car.

"Alexandra!" DJ yelled, strutting over to her, "can we call you Alex?"

"Um sure," she chuckled.

"Well Alex, would you like to go out with us?" Matt asked her.

She looked in between us and raised her eyebrow, "we just met, and you want me to hang out with y'all?"

DJ & Matt nodded eagerly, but I just shrugged. I didn't wanna look desperate like these two.

She smiled, showing off those dimples, then looked at her phone, "I would love to, but I can't. Maybe next time?"

"Sure," they said simultaneously.

She chuckled again, "cool. I'll see y'all tomorrow." She opened the door to her car, but Matt stopped her.

"Wait. We need your number," Matt said, "ya know, just in case we hurt a leg or sprain a wrist or something."

"Yeah, okay," she chuckled sarcastically, "let me see your phones."

They happily handed her their phones and she put her number in. She then looked at me and smirked.

"You haven't said anything the whole time you've been out here," she said, leaning against her car, "what, am I not 'cool' enough for you to talk to?"

I heard Matt & DJ laughing next to me, so I smirked back at her. "Nah, I just didn't wanna look desperate like them."

She looked at them then licked her lips, which I thought was sexy.

"I don't know, I find their desperation kinda...cute," she winked, making them grin, "I'll see y'all later."

She got in her car and pulled out of the parking lot, leaving the three of us alone.

"I like her," DJ grinned, putting his arm around my shoulders.

I shook my head at him and threw his arm off, "yeah, I bet you do."

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