25 • double standard

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Alexandra's POV:

The other day, Jada told me I needed to go out and have some fun since I'm always home. So while Jaden is at her house, I decided to go out with India, Blake & DJ.

I heard when Blake goes out, he's usually over the top - getting shit-faced drunk, flirting with girls, etcetera. But tonight, he's the exact opposite. He hasn't talked to a girl or taken a single drink since we've been here.

I was dancing with India & this girl we just met, when I noticed the very attractive guy sitting at the bar, looking at me. He motioned for me to join him and as much as I wanted to, I knew it would be pointless. In the middle of our conversation, Blake will come out of nowhere, claim he's my boyfriend and chase the poor guy away.

I'm gonna go talk to him anyway.

"India, can you do me a favor?" I asked.


"That guy over there wants me to come talk to him, and I really want to. Can you keep Blake away from us?"

She turned around to see who I was talking about, then smirked. "I got you."

I thanked her, then made my way to the bar. I sat in the empty seat next to him, and he smiled.

"You're even more beautiful up close," he said, "I'm James."

"I'm Alexandra."

He smiled again, showing off his perfect teeth, and I almost died. There's nothing I love more than a dark skinned man with a beautiful smile.

"Well, Alexandra, can I buy you a drink?"


He bought the drink I asked for, and we actually had a decent conversation, uninterrupted.

"So, what do you do?" he asked, setting his glass down, "you model?"

"Pfft, no," I laughed, "I'm an athletic trainer for the Clippers."

He scrunched up his face and sighed. That's not exactly the reaction I was expecting.

"That's unfortunate. I'm a Lakers fan."

"Awe, I'm sorry," I said in a jokingly sympathetic way.

He laughed and dropped his head, "you're funny; I like you." He paused for a second before he continued. "Do you think, maybe, I could get your number?"

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something tall & light skinned coming in our direction. I quickly got a napkin and a pen and started writing my name and number down.

"I leave you alone for a couple minutes, and you're talking to other guys?" Blake asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Is he your boyfriend?" James asked, "I didn't know you were allowed to date the players."

"He is not my boyfriend," I assured him, "we barely even like each other."

I continued to write my number down and when I got to the last two digits, Blake grabbed my arm and led me in the direction of the bathrooms.

"I am so sick of you doing this shit," I said angrily.

"Then stop flirting with other guys," he said back just as angry.

I furrowed my eyebrows and crossed my arms over my chest because he sounded crazy.

"Last time I checked, you were not my daddy or my man, so you don't get to tell me what I can & can't do."

"I'm not telling you what -"

"Yeah, you are! And if I would've done the same thing to you, you wouldn't want anything to do with me anymore, then you'd go back and tell your friends how crazy I am."

I waited for him to try to deny it, but he didn't because he knew I was right.

The beginning of Classic Man started to play, and I needed to find India so we could dance. This is our song.

"I'm gonna go find India," I said, looking up to meet Blake's gaze.

He nodded and when I looked behind him, India & our new friend were standing there, waiting for me. We went out to the dance floor and danced and for now, I forgot how annoyed I am with Blake.

The song ended, and we decided to get some drinks. We turned around to walk to the bar, and the first thing I saw was Blake talking to some girl. Was I jealous? Hell yeah. And since he wants to cockblock me every time I talk to a guy, I'm gonna do it to him to see how he likes it.

"What are you doing over here?" I asked him.


"You're supposed to be here with me, and you're over here with her."

His eyes widened, signaling me to shut up, but I ignored him.

"I'm sorry, are you his girlfriend or something?" the girl asked innocently.

"Yeah, I am."

She grabbed her clutch off the bar top, then got up and walked away. Blake glared at me, and I just looked at him with a blank stare.

"What the hell was that, Alex?!"

"You don't like it so much, do you?"

He gave me this look like he just had an epiphany, so I left him alone. Hopefully, this will make him realize how annoying he can be.

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