18 • malik's judgement

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Alexandra's POV:
"Jaden, what's wrong with your mama?" I heard Reyna ask.

After I got Jaden from school, Reyna & India came over like they always do. We were all sitting in the kitchen, but I was completely zoned out.

"India said Mommy's happy because she finally got laid," Jaden answered, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I looked at the three of them to see if I heard him correctly but when I saw how big Reyna's eyes were, I knew I did.


"Nothing!" India blurted, "Jaden, why don't you go watch TV so we can talk to your mom."


He jumped off the stool and went into the living room. Once I made sure he was actually gone, I turned to face India & Reyna, who were both smirking at me.

What'd I do now?

"You've got that 'I just had sex' glow," India pointed out, "and judging by the way you're acting, he put it on you good."

How the hell does she know that?!?!

"And DJ & Matt told us about the way you & Blake were acting today at practice," Reyna said, holding her smirk.

"So we put two & two together," India said, "you're fucking Blake, aren't you?"

I laughed mentally because she is not subtle at all.

Instead of coming right out and saying "yeah, I slept with him," I just bit the corner of my lip. They already know, so they don't really need my confirmation.

"I knew it!" India shouted, "and you had the nerve to tell me this wasn't gonna happen."

"Alright, I get it," I laughed a little.

"So are y'all together now?" Reyna asked.

I don't know why, but something about that question annoyed me.

"Nope," I said, popping the p, "I don't know what we're doin', but we ain't together."

I could see in Reyna's eyes that she didn't like the idea of me just casually sleeping with Blake.

"Who cares about the technicalities of the relationship," India said with her eyebrows furrowed, "you finally ended your six year drought. I would say you should celebrate, but it looks like you already did that."

I snickered silently at her remark as thoughts of today's events played through my head. I know one day I'll probably get tired of fooling around but right now, I'm just having fun.


a few days later..

I had just finished a game of one on one with Malik, so we were just sitting on the ground and talking. Blake didn't really want me hanging out with Malik, but I had to remind him that he doesn't have a say in who I can and can't hang out with.

"So I was thinking, maybe we could go out tomorrow tonight," Malik said, glancing at me.

"I uh, I already -"

"Have plans?" he asked, chuckling lightly, "with Blake, I'm assuming."

How did he know that? And why did he sound so...angry?


"I thought you said there was nothing going on with you two?" he asked, taking a sip from his water.

"Well, when you asked me that night, there wasn't but now, we're just kinda...hangin' out."

He nodded, I guess trying to comprehend what I said. He obviously knew what I meant by "hangin' out;" I just don't know how he's gonna react.

"So basically, you're like his hoe," he said, although it sounded more like a question.

"Excuse me?" I said, getting defensive.

"I didn't mean it like that," he tried to defend himself, "it's just, I never pegged you as a girl who just sleeps with guys with no intentions of being in a relationship with them."

He was right. I never wanted to be that girl, but for him to suggest that I was Blake's hoe pissed me off.

"Has he met Jaden?" he asked after a few minutes of uncomfortable silence.

I furrowed my eyebrows, confused about why he's so mad. "Yeah."

"Didn't you say you weren't gonna bring a bunch of men around your son?"

Why is he being so weird all of a sudden? Yeah, I said that, but he & Blake are the only men I've been involved with that have met Jaden. Shit, Jaden's own dad hasn't even met him. It's not like I'm fucking every guy on the planet and introducing them to my son.

"Yeah, but I work around a bunch of basketball players, and they've all met Jaden - not just Blake."

I got up and grabbed my phone so I could leave because I was fed up with this conversation.

"I gotta go. I guess I'll talk to you later."

I walked off the court, ignoring Malik, got in my car and drove home. When I got in, I took a shower then cleaned up a little since Chris, Isaiah & Carter are staying over.

I finished cleaning and decided to check my phone. I had some missed calls and a few text messages, but the only ones that stood out were from Blake & Malik.

bg 😈: I'll probably be at your house around 7

me: ok, but don't forget i'll have kids over, so don't try anything.

bg 😈: they gotta go to sleep sometime 😉

I laughed and rolled my eyes. He's so damn ignorant.

After replying to him, I moved on to Malik's message.

Malik White: I'm sorry if I offended you earlier. I'm just looking out for you because I care about you Alex. You're young, and I don't want you getting fucked over by a guy like him.

I decided not to text him back, mainly because I didn't really know how to respond. I understand Malik just wants to look out for me, and I appreciate that, but I'm a big girl. And, I mean, it's not like Blake is forcing me to do anything I don't wanna do...


what is Malik's problem?

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