35 • the reception

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Blake's POV:

After the wedding, we went straight to the reception. I, of course, met the rest of Alex's family — including her mom, who is pretty hot if you ask me. I now see where Alex gets her looks.

While she danced with Jaden, I went outside to make a phone call. I needed to talk to someone.

India: Aren't you at a wedding?

'We're at the reception right now; I just needed to talk to you about something.'

India: About what?

I took a deep breath, then looked around to see if any of Alex's family members or friends were out here. I did not need them going back to tell her what I was about to say.

'At the wedding, when Alex was walking down the aisle, I started having inappropriate thoughts.'

India: Blake! Please tell me you weren't thinking about sex in that church?!

'No! Not those kinda thoughts!'

India: Oh. Then what are you talking about?

I looked around again, then ran my hand down my face. 'When she was walking down the aisle, I imagined she was the bride...and I was the groom.'

It got so quiet, I thought she hung up until I heard her say "aw," which wasn't the reaction I wanted.

India: I think you're falling in love.

'No, that's impossible. I don't do the love thing.'

India: Blake, stop fighting it, and just let it happen.

She gave me some advice, then we got off the phone, and I went back inside.

"Bake! Bake!"

I looked to my left, and my new friend, Imani, was waddling toward me. She hasn't voluntarily left my side since Thursday night. She's a cute kid, and she almost makes me want a daughter. Almost.

I picked her up, and we sat at the table with Azriel.

"Alex has been ignoring you since we got here," he pointed out, "what kinda friend is that?"

I laughed and sat Imani in my lap. "It's cool. I know how much she's missed her family."

It's like she knew we were talking about her because she walked to the table and sat next to me.

"What are y'all talking about?" she asked.

"You being a bad friend to Blake," Azriel answered, "you brought him all the way out here just to ignore him. I'm glad you're not my friend."

"Shut up, AZ," she laughed, "I'm sorry, Blake. I didn't mean to ignore you and leave you with him."

She pouted, and I kissed her lips, making her smile. Luckily, her brother has come to terms with our situation, otherwise I wouldn't have kissed her like that.

"Ew. Get a room," Azriel said.

"Anyway, the bride wants something stronger than champagne, so AB & I are going on a liquor run. Do y'all —"

"Yes!" Azriel semi-shouted, cutting her off. "I don't care what you bring back, just bring me something."

She laughed and shook her head, but agreed to bring him something. I gave her some money and after going back & forth with her for a while, she finally took it, gave me a kiss, then left.

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