32 • missed you

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Alexandra's POV:

This morning, I went running with India & Chaney. Blake has been out of town for the last three weeks, and he asked me to dog-sit. On top of that, Jaden has been in South Carolina for a couple of days, so I had nothing to do.

After our run, we sat on a bench for a minute to catch our breath and talk.

"Have you been by Blake's house today?" India asked me.

I shook my head. "No, why?"

"Because you smell like him."

I sniffed my jacket and sure enough, it smelled just like him.

"Speaking of Blake, you know he's coming home today?" she asked. I nodded, and she smirked. "Did you miss him?"

Of course I missed him. I actually missed him more than I probably should have, but I wouldn't admit it.

"I guess," I lied.

She pursed her lips together and rolled her eyes. "Okay, Alex," she said, standing up from the bench. "Come on. Your man will be home soon, and I know y'all can't wait to see each other."

We left the park and went our separate ways. When I got in the house, I got Chaney some water, then took a shower. After I got out, I put on some underwear and a t-shirt Blake let me have, then went down to the kitchen.

I was trying to figure out what I wanted to eat when I heard the front door open, which caused Chaney to run to the door barking, but he quickly stopped.

I heard heavy footsteps coming toward the kitchen and when I saw Blake, I smiled stupidly, while my stomach did somersaults. I hate that he makes me feel like this, and I wish there was something I could do to stop it.

"Baby!" I ran to him and jumped in his arms.

"Baby?" He chuckled at the pet name, "you must have really missed me."

I bit my bottom lip and nodded. "Did you miss me?"

"Yeah, I missed you," he said, putting his forehead against mine, "I missed you a lot."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. Our simple kiss got pretty intense, and he kissed down my neck while groping my butt. As much as I love having him all over me like this, I had to stop where this was going.

"Blake, wait."


"I know we missed each other and all, but it's only been three weeks."

He chuckled, "damn. I thought you would've forgot about that."


He set me down, and I went to the refrigerator to get something to drink. I know he's gonna try to make me crack, and I'm ready. At least I think I am.

"Babe, don't you think three weeks is long enough?" he asked, walking up behind me. "Cold showers have become my best friend these days, and I'm tired of it."

I laughed, "well, it looks like you're gonna have to take another one."

He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed the back of my neck. He lightly bit my ear and pushed himself into me.

"I know you want me just as bad as I want you, Alex," he said in my ear.

I was half a second away from giving in, but I stayed strong. But right when I was about to walk out of his arms, he kissed my sweet spot. And because I'm so weak, I started moaning.

"You ready to give in?"

I shook my head but before the word "no" could leave my mouth, one of his hands was up my shirt and the other was in my underwear, while his lips went back to my sweet spot.

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