37 • it's not over

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Blake's POV:

"How was your first time in South Carolina?"

This morning, Alex wanted to make a big breakfast, so she invited India & DJ over since we hadn't seen them in a couple of days. And India said she had something to tell me, so I'm curious to see what that's about.

"Yeah, it was a lot of fun actually," I answered, "even though I almost got killed because of Alex."

Alex took bacon & eggs out of the refrigerator, then turned to look at me. "I said I was sorry. Let it go."

"What happened?" DJ laughed while playing a card game with Jaden.

"We stayed at her dad's house, and he told me I had to sleep in the guest room, but I expected that. Well, he didn't stay at the house the first night, so this one," I said, pointing at Alex, "decided she wanted to sleep in the guest room with me, even though I tried to get her to leave. The next morning, her dad came back, and he barged in the guest room, yelling & cursing with a shotgun pointed at my chest."

Alex walked up to me and stood in between my legs while India & DJ laughed.

"I didn't know my dad was that crazy," she said, "I'm sorry."

"I already forgave you, but don't let it happen again."

I kissed her forehead, her frown turned into a smile, and she went back to the stove.

"Aside from your near death experience, what else did y'all do?" India asked.

"We hung out with her family for the most part, but she did take me to get doughnuts from Krispy Kreme, and they're addicting. We also went to see Emmanuel AME Church, which was sad, but I'm glad we went. But the highlight of the trip was meeting Alex's mom, who is so hot."

Alex glared at me and rolled her eyes. It's not my fault her mom is attractive.

"On a scale of one to ten, what is she?" DJ asked, "And do you have a picture?"

I pulled out my phone and showed him the picture I took with her. "I would say she's about a fifteen."

"Damn!" he said, covering his mouth. "You ain't lyin'."

"Can y'all please stop thirstin' over my mama," Alex said, "it's gross."

We all laughed a little, then India told me to follow her to the living room so we could talk.

"When are you gonna tell Alex you're in love with her?" she asked casually, sitting on the couch. "And when are you gonna stop playin', and ask her to be your girlfriend? Or do you plan on being her play boyfriend forever?"

I sat down and sighed while running my hand down my face. "First of all, I'm not in love. I wish you'd stop saying that. As for our relationship, it's not like it's gonna change within the next couple of days. I'm still not ready for that."

She rolled her eyes. "Blake, if you keep that mindset, you'll never even get the chance to have a relationship with her."

I looked at her and furrowed my eyebrows, confused about what she was talking about.

"What do you mean?"

She sighed. "I ran into Malik while y'all were gone, and he ranted to me about how much he 'hates what you've done to Alex.' He thinks you're using her, and he said he's determined to get her back."

I wanted to laugh, but I couldn't. He knew Alex way before I did and they dated, so he knows what she likes and how to impress her. And with me not wanting a relationship, she might get tired of me and move on to him. I was actually worried.

"I understand you don't want to be in a relationship, but I hope you're okay with losing Alex."

With those being her concluding words, she left me alone in the living room to think about what she said.


later that day..

"Pizza's here! Pizza's here!"

Alex & I watched Jaden bounce around the living room as the doorbell rang. I laughed as he ran around in circles, and Alex hit me in the chest.

"There's a reason I told you not to give him any candy," she said, standing up to answer the door.

As soon as she left the room, Jaden plopped on the couch next to me, then rested his elbow on my leg.

"Blake, are you staying over again?"

"I might. Why? You don't want me to?"

"No, I do. I was just aksing," he giggled.

I laughed with him but slowly stopped when I realized how long Alex was gone.

"I'm gonna go see what's taking your mom so long," I said to Jaden.

I walked out of the living room to go to the front door, but hid around the corner when I saw Malik instead of the pizza guy. No wonder it was taking her so long.

"Seriously, Alexandra, why are you falling for his tricks?" I heard him ask her. "If he really cared about you like he claims, he wouldn't be stringing you along like this."

"He's not —"

I heard him scoff, and it was followed by a sigh and a bitter chuckle. "He's got you so brainwashed, you were about to defend him. I think it's obvious that you like him way more than he likes you. He tells you everything you want to hear just so you'll have sex with him. And because you're so naive, you believe him."

I rolled my eyes at all the bullshit coming out of his mouth and the fact that he just insulted her. I was also kinda offended that she didn't say anything. Maybe she believed him.

"Babe," he continued, making me gag mentally. "You know I still love you, and I'd do anything for you. I just want you to think about giving us another chance."

It got really quiet, so I looked around the corner, and he was kissing her. I don't know why, but seeing her kiss someone that wasn't me pissed me off, and I've never been that mad about something like that.

I wanted to do something about it, but I didn't have to when I noticed how uncomfortable Alex was. I could tell just from her body language that she's not in to him like that anymore.

Knowing I had nothing to worry about, I smirked to myself, and went back in the living room with Jaden.


I hope y'all don't hate me for taking forever to update.

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