47 • first date

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Alexandra's POV:

Blake & I were sitting in the living room, having a casual conversation, while DJ & Jaden played video games. We were just waiting for India to show up so the five of us could go to the mall.

"Babe, why don't we ever do anything romantic?" Blake asked me, completely catching me off guard.

"Uh, I gave you head in your car while The Weeknd played in the background. You don't think that's romantic?" I asked jokingly.

He started laughing hysterically and because his laugh is so contagious, I started laughing too.

"I'm serious, Alex," he chuckled.

"When you ask me to be your girlfriend, then we'll talk," I said absentmindedly.

DJ turned around with his eyebrows furrowed, then he & Blake exchanged glances before he laughed and shook his head.

"Did you forget that you've been my girlfriend for three days now?" he asked.

I gave him a blank stare until it hit me that he's actually my boyfriend now. "I may have forgotten for a second, but that's your fault. You shouldn't have waited so long to ask, and I wouldn't be like this."

He chuckled lightly and rolled his eyes. "Anyway, I'm taking your cute ass on a date tonight."

I looked at him skeptically, crossing my arms over my chest, but I smiled mentally when I realized he called me cute. No matter how many times he called me cute, or beautiful, or gorgeous, I always got butterflies.

"I don't have a babysitter."

"Well our good friend, DJ, has already volunteered to babysit, so you're good."

I nodded slowly, kinda impressed that he already had everything taken care of.

"Okay. So where are we going, and what do I need to wear?"

He laid his head in my lap, then picked up my hand and kissed my knuckles. "We're going out to dinner, so I'd say wear a dress. You always look so good when you're all dressed up."


After buying Jaden some new clothes & shoes for school, India helped me find a dress for tonight. We found the perfect dress, according to her, then Blake took us back to my house. He went home to get ready, and I did the same.

India did my hair & makeup, then I put on the dress — a pink, sleeveless bodycon that tapered at the bottom. I paired it with pink pumps, then looked in the mirror.

 I paired it with pink pumps, then looked in the mirror

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"What do you think?" I asked India.

"I think Blake's gonna have a hard time keeping his hands to himself tonight."

I smiled, then grabbed my purse off of the bed. I wasn't really in to the color pink, but Blake told India I looked good in pink, which is how I ended up getting a pink dress.

"Mommy! Blake's here!" Jaden yelled from downstairs. I went downstairs and into the living room, and Blake looked at me with his mouth opened slightly while Jaden smiled. "You look pretty, Mommy."

"Thank you, baby." I picked him up and put him on the couch so we were eye level. "Be good for DeAndre & India, and I want you in bed when I get home."

He frowned. "Okay."

I laughed at the look on his face and kissed his forehead. Blake & I started to walk out of the house, but DJ & India stopped us to take an ass of pictures. When we told them to chill, they told us to shut up because they'd been waiting for this day for months.


"Blake, what's going on with you? Are you nervous or something?"

I knew he couldn't have been nervous because the whole ride to the restaurant he kept constantly touching me. He just didn't say much, which wasn't like him.

"Sorta." He shrugged and played with the napkin the silverware was wrapped in.

Something about him being nervous was cute to me. I didn't think anything made Blake Griffin nervous, but I guess I was wrong.

"What are you nervous about?" I asked curiously. "It's just me, and you've been out with me plenty of times."

"I know, but that's when we were just friends," he admitted, looking up at me. "We're a couple now, and I just want you to have a nice night out because you deserve it."

I smiled and grabbed his hand. "That's sweet, but as long as we're together, I'm good."

He smiled back and kissed the back of my hand. I then looked down at the menu, and I was pretty sure my eyes doubled in size.

"Babe, these prices are ridiculous," I said, closing the menu and setting it down. "I can't let you spend this kinda money."

He chuckled. "Baby, it's okay."

I shook my head and moved to the other side of the table to sit next to him. I wasn't a fan of expensive dates or fancy restaurants. I just liked to do something simple & fun with the person I was with.

"I don't want you to spend an assload of money on a little plate of food when we could easily go to Chick-Fil-A and bowling or something."

He put an arm around me and smiled. "You wanna get out of here?"

"Yes, please."

We left the restaurant and went to the nearest Chick-Fil-A. He pulled up to the window, and I jumped in his lap to pay for the food, which he didn't like, but he got over it.

We ate in the car and rode around listening to & signing songs from the 90's station on the radio. We went bowling, and he won two out of the three games we played and to make up for beating me, he took me to get ice cream. It was a simple night, but I didn't care because I had fun.

"This isn't how I pictured our first date, but I hope you had a good time anyway," he said to me as he walked me to my door.

"Are you kidding? I had a great time. Thank you." He wrapped his arms around my waist, and I wrapped mine around his neck. "Are you coming inside?"

He bit his lip while looking at my lips and ran his hand up my dress. I assumed that meant "yes," so I unlocked the door so we could go inside.


Kind of a boring filler chapter for y'all, but there will be a surprise visitor in the next chapter 😁😏

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