68 • the future

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february 5, 2016

Blake's POV:

"You promised me you would never hurt me, and you did! I fucking hate you!"

"Babe —"

"No, don't 'babe' me! I hate you! Get the fuck off my property before I call the police!"

Jaden & his friend, Henry, looked at me wide-eyed as we walked up the driveway to Alex's house. The couple that lived across the street were having a nasty argument, and someone's stuff was thrown all over the yard. The crazy part to me was they just had a baby, and they seemed so happy.

We walked into the house, and Alex was sitting on the couch that faced the window. Her blinds were opened a little and the TV was on, but it was on mute. She even had Ford sitting on her lap with a pair of binoculars in his hands.

"Hi, Mommy." Jaden sat next to Alex and gave Ford a high-five, and she kissed his forehead. "This is my friend, Henry."

She smiled. "Hi, Henry."

He blushed. "Hi." He then turned to Jaden and whispered, "your mommy is pretty."

Jaden made a face and shook his head, and I laughed at the look of stress on his face.

Alex giggled. "Are y'all hungry?"

They nodded, and she stood from the couch. When she walked past me, I took Ford from her; and she just kept walking to the kitchen. I sighed because she'd been ignoring me all day, and I had no idea why. I didn't forget our anniversary, and I didn't cheat; so I was confused.

"Rah Rah mad," Ford said.

I sighed again. "I know, buddy."

We went in the kitchen and when Alex saw me, her smile faded. I looked around the kitchen, and it was like Jaden's birthday times ten. Cakes, cupcakes, cookies, pies, and so much more lined every square inch of the countertops. I don't think I'd even seen this many baked goods in a bakery, and that's how I knew I fucked up.

"Can we eat in the living room?" Jaden asked her.

"Sure," she smiled. "Just be careful."

Jaden & Henry left the kitchen, and Ford jumped from my arms to follow them. There was an awkward silence between Alex & I, and it was killing me.


"What's up?"

She avoided eye contact while she busied herself by putting cupcakes in a box. I moved to the other side of the counter to get closer to her and surprisingly, she didn't move.

"What's wrong?"

She made a face and shrugged while taping the box. "What makes you think something's wrong?"

"You've been ignoring me all day, and now you won't even look me in the face. What'd I do?"

She didn't say anything for a while; she just continued to box up some of the things she baked. Once she was finished, she sat down—propping her leg up on a stool—and looked at me with her arms crossed. I've never been afraid of Alex but with the look she was giving me, I might've been a little scared.

"You & your friends went out drinking last night, right?" she asked, keeping her eyes on me, and I nodded. "I heard you were pretty fucked up too," she said with a little chuckle. I almost laughed with her but decided against it because I knew she was setting me up. "How'd you get back here?"

"I...I drove," I said casually, not understanding where this conversation was going.

She nodded slowly and looked down at the counter. "So your drunk ass was driving last night, huh? You know I hate drunk drivers and you know your dumb ass shouldn't be doin' it, yet you did it anyway; and then you had the nerve to come here."

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