22 • the truth

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Alexandra's POV:
The game ended, and the Clippers beat the Grizzlies, 94-86. Blake asked me to wait for him after the game and as much as I really wanted to leave, I stayed.

"Mommy, I wanna go home," Jaden said, resting his head against my leg.

I felt bad for making him wait here with me. He's sleepy and still not 100% better, so I need to take him home.

"Alright, baby, come on," I said, grabbing his hand.

"Wait," India stopped us from walking out, "you stay and wait for Blake; I'll take him home."

"Are you sure?"


I looked down at Jaden, and he was still resting his head against my leg and struggling to stay awake.


I gave her my keys since we rode together, kissed Jaden's forehead and they left. I heard someone walking up behind me, so I turned around only to come face to face with Blake's baby mama from hell.

"Hi, Rah Rah!" Ford waved.


He gave me a high five and smiled.

"Hi," Brynn said, "Alyssa, right?"

She had the fakest smile on her face, making me believe she actually knows what my name is. Petty.

"It's Alexandra."

"Right," she shrugged, "so what are you doing out here?"

"Blake asked me to wait for him."

Her smile faded quickly, and she set Ford down. She opened her mouth to say something but luckily, Blake walked out before she could.


"What's up, man?" Blake said, picking Ford up.

"Well, I'm gonna go now," Brynn said, cutting her eye at me, "it was nice seeing you again, Alyssa."

She handed Ford's bag to Blake and walked off. I just stood there and laughed to myself because I don't understand what I did to her for her to dislike me.

"What was that about?" Blake asked, raising an eyebrow.

"The bitch don't like me," I mumbled, "anyway, why'd you ask me to wait for you?"

"So we could talk."

I groaned because I really don't wanna do this right now. I don't like talking about unnecessary things. Yes, I was bitter for a minute, but now I'm fine. What is there to talk about?


"I know you said you're not mad about what happened, but I also know you're lying."

I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned against the wall, "I was mad, Blake, but I'm not anymore. I realized I was being childish, so I let it go."

I feel like he was expecting me to blow up but he's not my boyfriend, so I'm not gonna make a big deal out of nothing; there was one question I needed an answer to though.

"I do have a question though," I said.

"What is it?"

"Did you sleep with the girl?" I asked.

He smiled and bit his lip, "no. When I said you're the only one I wanna have sex with, I meant it."

I didn't know if he was being honest or if he was just telling me what I wanted to hear, but I believed him.

"Alright," I shrugged, "can we go now?"

"Yeah. Am I taking you home?"

I nodded, and we walked out of the building hand in hand. He strapped Ford in, we got in the car, and started for my house. The whole ride there, Blake held my hand and glanced at me from time to time. Even up until he pulled into my driveway, he continued to hold my hand. It was weird, in a disgustingly cute way.

"I'll see you later," I said, opening the door.

He held onto my hand, forcing me to sit back in the seat. He rested his hand on the side of my face and ran his thumb across my cheek, then kissed me. I pulled away, but he kept kissing me.

"Your son is in the back seat," I reminded him.

He stopped and ran his hand down his face, "right. I'll see you later."

"Alright. Bye Ford."

"Bye bye!"

I giggled at the adorable little boy, gave Blake one last kiss and got out of the car. I made my way toward the door, but then I turned around and jogged back to Blake's car. He rolled his window down, then knitted his eyebrows together.

"Call me when you get home."

He smiled, "I will."

He leaned into me, and he kissed me. He pecked my lips one last time then I jogged back to my house.

all bad ↠ blake griffinTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon