65 • messy michael: part 2

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Blake's POV:

On the way back to Alex's house, I got several texts from her asking when I was coming back. I figured she either really missed me or she was half a second away from strangling Michael, which wouldn't shock me honestly.

As I pulled into her driveway, my phone chimed with another text from Alex.

Ace 👸🏾🐘💙
if you really love me like
you claim, you'll come
back here. ☹️
4:06 p.m.

I laughed at her message and slid my phone in my pocket before getting Ford out of the car and going in the house.

"Daddy's home!" I heard Alex sing when I closed the door.

I laughed again and shook my head. She sounded like she was in a good mood, so I figured Michael wasn't here yet — until I saw him sitting on the couch with Alex.

"Hi, Blake! Hi, Ford!" Jaden said with a grin.

"What's up," I said back as Ford waved. I set him down, and he sat on the floor with Jaden. I sat on the other side of Alex and put my arm around her, ignoring Michael's presence.

"Michael kissed me!" she blurted looking directly at me. I looked at her like I didn't hear her, but I heard her loud & clear. "Yes! He put his filthy lips on me!"

I saw Michael smirking to himself, and it took everything in me not to pick him up and toss him out the got damn window. This is why I hated the idea of them being alone together — I didn't trust him.

"I'll leave y'all alone so you can 'talk' to him," she grinned. "Come on Jaden & Ford. Let's go in the backyard. Come on, Marley!"

She got off the couch, and the boys & Marley followed her outside. Before Jaden got out the living room, he turned around and walked back toward me.

"Please don't hit him," he whispered. "Not this time."

I laughed. "Okay."


He made me pinky promise I wouldn't hit Michael, and I did reluctantly. After he left, I moved to sit somewhere else. How was I supposed to handle this situation without violence? Especially when he was sitting across from me with that dumb ass smirk on his face.

"I hope you're not lookin' for an apology because you're not gettin' one," he said smugly.

I just looked at him and chuckled. "I promised Jaden I wouldn't hit you, so I'm just gonna leave before I do something I regret."

I got up to go to the backyard because I hated almost everything about him, and I didn't wanna be anywhere near him.

"You know y'all won't last, right?" he asked, catching me off guard. "I mean, I was her first everything. I love her and when she realizes she loves me; she, Jaden & I will be a family."

I stopped in the doorway of the living room with both my fists & my jaw clenched. When Michael resurfaced, my biggest fear was Alex realizing she loved him and leaving me for him; and for a slight second, I was worried. But then I remembered how much Alex hated him, and I laughed hysterically.

"You cheated on her and abandoned her for the girl you cheated with when she told she was pregnant, and you really think she wants you back?" I asked.

He stood up, I guess trying to size me up. "You don't know anything about what happened between us, so —"

"She fucking told me everything," I semi-yelled. "She doesn't want anything to do with you because she fucking hates you. The only reason she puts up with you and your shit is because of Jaden."

"Of course she's gonna tell you that so you don't get insecure," he said. "I know Alexandra."

I'd never known a man to get this delusional over a woman like this. Honestly, I felt like I was trapped in one of those shitty Lifetime movies Alex forces me to watch with her.

"Let's make one thing clear: you don't know Alex. You knew Alex — the fifteen year old Alex you left when she needed you," I said, getting in his face. "So stop trying to get on her good side by reminiscing about the 'good times' and sharing old stories from your childhood. She's never gonna want you back."

Before he could even say anything else, I left the house to go to the backyard. I sat in one of the patio chairs as Alex hobbled toward me. I pulled her onto my lap, and she rested her leg in the other chair while trying to study my face.

"How'd it go?" she asked, running her index finger along my jawline.

Michael snatched the back door open, and I rolled my eyes at his dramatic ass.

"Mother fucker, if you break my door, you payin' to get that shit fixed," Alex snapped. "The hell is wrong with you?"

"I don't want him around my son!" he stated hotly.

Alex twisted her face in confusion then waved him off and turned her attention back to the boys, who were looking in our direction.

"Shut up, Michael."

If I weren't so damn pissed I would've laughed at the way she dismissed him. You'd think he'd learn by now that Alex never really took him serious.

"I'm serious, Alex. I don't want him anywhere near Jaden," Michael repeated.

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, a giggle escaping her mouth afterwards. "You've only been his dad for five months. Calm down."

"No, I won't calm down!" he shouted. "Jaden is my son, and I don't want your boyfriend around him. He has a short temper, and he's a bad influence."

I have a short temper, yet he was the one going ballistic over nothing.

Alex sighed again. "Listen Miguel, you don't get a say in how I raise my kid yet. Blake is my boyfriend, and he's probably gonna be Jaden's stepdad one day. He's a great father figure, and Jaden loves him; so, again, calm down."

"I don't c—"

"Why are you being mean to Blake, Michael?" Jaden asked with a frown.

Michael crouched down to Jaden's level, and I already knew he was about to spew out some bullshit, but that was nothing new.

"I just don't think you should hang out with him anymore, that's all."

Jaden's eyebrows furrowed. "But why?! He's my friend!"

Alex narrowed her eyes at Michael for upsetting Jaden, and I shook my head. How could he suck this bad at being a father when he had two other kids?

"Your dad was just kidding, Jaden," I spoke up. "We're always gonna hang out and be friends — don't worry."

"Really?" he asked, looking between Alex, Michael & I.

"Yes," Alex said. "Your dad was just trippin', baby. He's still tired from that long plane ride, so he didn't know what he was saying. Isn't that right, Michael?"

We both glared at Michael, and he rolled his eyes at us then smiled at Jaden.

"Yeah, I guess I am a little tired," he said through gritted teeth. "I should probably go get settled and get some rest."

"Will you come back for dinner?" Jaden asked with hopeful eyes.

Michael glanced at Alex then at me before his eyes settled back on Alex. She gave a subtle look of disgust and waved her hand, letting him know it was okay for him to come back.

"Yeah, I'll be back," he said, making Jaden smile. "I'll see y'all later."

He & Jaden shared a hug, and he left; then Jaden & Ford went back to playing. I sighed heavily, and Alex put her arm around my neck, allowing me to rest my head on her chest.

"I really hate him."

She giggled while tracing small circles on my shoulder. "Me too, baby. Me too."


are y'all enjoying having Michael in the story yet? i know y'all aren't, but i figured i'd ask anyway. 🙃

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