3. the first day

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Alexandra's POV:
After my interesting encounter with the three stooges after practice, I picked Jaden up, then went home.

"Did you have fun on your first day?" I asked.

"Yeah! I made a new friend! His name is Chris," he smiled.

I chuckled at how cute he is, "that's good."

I heard the front door open and three seconds later my best friend, Reyna, walked in the kitchen.

"Auntie Reyna!" Jaden ran to his godmother, and she picked him up, planting kisses all over his face.

"Hey Zan," she said, giving me a hug, "how was your first day?"

"I didn't do anything. I just met the players and talked to Doc," I said, making Jaden a snack.

She nodded, "did you talk to any of the players?"

I looked up from what I was doing, and she was looking at me with a scandalous smirk on her face.

"Yeah I talked to some of them," I said casually.


I pretended to ignore her question so I could give Jaden his snack, then went back in the kitchen with Reyna.

"Now what were we talking about?" I asked, playing dumb.

"Don't play with me, Zan. I want details."

I sighed, "there's nothing to tell, really. I watched them practice and when it was over, I left. But before I could go, I got stopped in the parking lot."


"DeAndre Jordan, Blake Griffin & Matt --"

"Matt Barnes?!?!"

I chuckled and nodded, watching her freak out in my kitchen.

Reyna loves her some Matt Barnes. When she found out he & his wife were splitting up, she was way happier than she should've been.

"Are they just as attractive as they are on TV & in pictures?" she asked, probably mentally drooling over Matt.

"Rey, the pictures don't do them any justice. They are so fine," I said, picking at my nails.

"So what'd they say to you?"

"They asked me to hang out with them, but I told them I couldn't. They asked for my number and I --"

"Hold up. They have your number?!" she yelled in my ear, "and you weren't gonna tell me?!"

I shrugged, "I didn't think it was that big of a deal. And only Matt & DeAndre have my number."

I went to the refrigerator to get some water and when I turned around, she was staring at me with her eyebrow raised.

"What about Blake? What, are you not good enough for him?"

"Shut up, Reyna," I chuckled, "he didn't ask, but it's not like I was offended."

She shook her head and scoffed. She seemed way more offended than I was, which made me laugh mentally.

"Ya know, I heard he's kind of a douchebag," she said, making me laugh at the way she said douchebag.

"I don't care if he's a douche or not; as long as he doesn't disrespect me, I'm cool."

I hope these players don't think they can walk all over me because I'm a woman.

"Anyway, I told Jaden he could go to the game tomorrow, but --"

"You need a babysitter? Say no more. I'm there for ya, babe," Reyna said, "I gotta go, but I'll see y'all tomorrow."

I walked her out, then went in the living room with Jaden, who was watching SpongeBob.

"Momma, can I still go to the game witchu tuhmorrow?"

"Of course, baby."

He looked up at me with a huge smile and I laughed at him a little.

"I love you, Mommy."

I smiled because I'll never get tired of hearing that no matter how many times he says it.

"I love you too, sweetie."

I kissed his nose, making him giggle, he curled up in my lap, and I watched TV with my baby boy.


The girl in the picture is Reyna.

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