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Blake's POV:

After putting Ford down for his nap, the doorbell rang, so I slipped out of his room to answer it. I texted Alex earlier and asked her to come over so we could talk and, thankfully, she agreed to come. I missed her, and I regretted ignoring her.

I opened the door to let her in, and she timidly walked inside. She awkwardly stood in front of me like she didn't know me but given the situation, it was understandable.

"What's up?" I asked, and she just shrugged. She followed me up to my room and sat on the far end of the bed away from me. "I missed you."

She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Did you?"

"Of course I did." I moved closer to her, and she tried to move away. "Why would you ask that?"

She looked at me like I was dumb, then turned her body toward me. "Because you've been ignoring me for three damn weeks! You refused to talk to me and when you would see me, you wouldn't even look in my direction. Am I even still your girlfriend?"

Seeing how much this bothered her made me feel awful. I never intended for it to go past a week; it just kinda happened.

"Yes, you're still my girlfriend, Alex." I furrowed my eyebrows and moved closer to her. "Why —"

"Then why have you been ignoring me, Blake?" she asked, looking directly in my eyes. "Do you wanna break up with me?"

Before I could say anything, she got up and ran to the bathroom. She closed the door and when I heard her throwing up, I got up to go in the bathroom with her, but the door was locked. I repeatedly knocked on the door and called her name, but she just ignored me. I heard the toilet flush followed by running water, which meant she was probably brushing her teeth.

After a few minutes, she came out of the bathroom, and she walked straight past me.

"Are you okay?" I grabbed her hand before she could walk out. "Are you p—"

"Absolutely not," she said. "But the thought of my boyfriend wanting to break up with me made me a little nauseous."

"I never said I wanted to break up."

"Well, you didn't not say it," she argued. I ended up laughing at her because she's cute as hell when she's mad. "And what exactly is so funny?"

"You," I smirked. "You're cute when you're mad."

She narrowed her eyes at me, then snatched her hand away from mine. "Screw you, Griffin. Why'd you call me over here? If it's not to talk about why your annoying ass was ignoring me, I'm leaving."

I laughed at her again, then grabbed her hand and pulled her toward the bed. I sat down and made her sit next to me while locking our fingers.

"I thought I needed some space, and that's why I wasnt talking to you."

"So...I'm too clingy?" she asked. "Why wouldn't you just tell me that instead of shutting me out? I'm a reasonable person, Blake; I would've understood."

"No, you're not too clingy. I thought I needed space, but I was wrong," I said, running my thumb across her hand. "I thought we were moving too fast in our relationship and when I talked to Brynn, she agreed with me, so I chose to distance myself from you."

The second I mentioned Brynn's name, she let my hand go and stood up from the bed. She didn't say anything, which meant she was pissed, so I mentally prepared myself for her to cuss me out.

"You couldn't talk to me, your girlfriend, about what was bothering you, but you could talk to your bitch ass ex. Wow."

"It's not like I called her and asked for her opinion," I said, defending myself. "We were talking, and she asked about you & how our relationship was going, so I told her."

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