46 • three words, eight letters

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Alexandra's POV:

Since Jaden was spending the night with Chris, I had the house to myself. Blake offered to come over so I wouldn't be alone, but I told him I'd be fine. I knew nothing good would come out of us being alone together for too long.

I lied in bed watching My Girl as Marley curled into my side. I smiled at the cute puppy, but a loud clap of thunder shook the house, wiping the smile off my face. Another clap of thunder shook the house, and my heart started pounding. I closed my laptop, put it on the floor, and got under the covers. One would think I'd outgrow my fear of thunderstorms, yet here I was, under the covers like a child.

I closed my eyes to avoid crying, but then my phone rang. I looked to see who was calling, and it was Jada.


"Mommy, are you okay?" Jaden asked me.

I smiled knowing that he was worried enough to call me. "I'm fine, baby."

"I wanna come home with you."

"Jay, I promise I'll be alright. I just want you to have fun with your friends, okay?"

"Okay, Mommy. I love you."

"I love you too."

The call ended, and I set my phone on the nightstand. I curled further into the covers and thought about how I wish I would've told Blake to come over. He always made me feel safe.

I poked my head out from under the covers because it was quiet for a while, but then there was an obnoxious flash of lightening that lit up the sky, followed by an equally obnoxious crack of thunder. I screamed to the top of my lungs, and threw the covers back over my head.


Blake's POV:

When it started storming, I knew I needed to check on Alex in person. The spare key to her house was still in the same spot, so I used it to get in.


She didn't answer, so I went upstairs to her room. She was in her bed, and I think she was crying, so I walked in and sat on the bed.


She poked her head out from under the covers, then jumped in my lap.

"I'm so glad you're here," she cried. "Please don't leave me."

"I won't leave you, baby." I kissed her forehead as she laid her head on my shoulder. "I love you."

She picked her head up off my shoulder to look me in the face. I wiped her tears away, and she knitted her eyebrows together, probably confused, but I knew what I said.

"What...what'd you say?"

"I said 'I love you,'" I repeated.

She stood up and shook her head. "Blake...you don't love me. You love the sex, but you don't love me."

I grabbed her hand and pulled her back to my lap. I don't think she understood how serious I was.

"No." I placed my index finger under her chin to lift her head so she was looking me in the eyes. "I love you, Alexandra."

There was a loud clap of thunder, making her jump, so I wrapped my arm around her waist. She laid her head on my shoulder and ran her index finger across my knuckles.

"I don't believe you."

I sighed. "I'm with you all the time and when I'm not with you, you're all I can think about. I'm with you so much, I know things about you that you probably don't think I know."

"Like what?"

"I know your favorite ice cream is butter pecan."


"But when it's that time of the month, you like chocolate chip. When you're sad, you like cookie dough. And when you want something late at night, you like plain chocolate."

She gave me a quizzical look, not understanding how I knew that, and I mentally smiled at the innocence behind those big, brown eyes.

"You got lucky," she said. "Anyone could've known that."

I chuckled and shook my head. "Alright, how about this: your favorite color is blue, your favorite animal is a lion, you tell people your favorite movie is Poetic Justice, but your actual favorite movie is Baby Boy.

You have a huge crush on The Rock, you're a fan of all things Star Wars & The Lion King and for some strange reason, you're terrified of E.T.

You always wrinkle your nose like a rabbit before you fall asleep, you keep a hair tie around your wrist to tug at when you're nervous, you bite your lip excessively when you're mad and even though you say you don't, I know you like it when I call you 'baby girl' because you always smile when I do."

Her mouth slightly opened, and there were tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

"You know what else I know?" I said, looking in her eyes. "I know you love me too, but you're scared. You're scared that I'm gonna hurt you the same way Michael did, but I could never do that to you."

The tears finally rolled down her face, and I wiped them away for her.

"So, with all that being said," I continued, "will you be my girlfriend?"

She sniffled and used her shirt to dry her eyes completely. She, then, looked at me, and a smile spread across her face.

"It took you long enough."

She wrapped her arms around my neck, and I laid back as her lips crashed onto mine.


Blake finally grew a pair and asked Alex to be his girlfriend! How are y'all feeling about this?

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